
Opinion – China’s e-Renminbi as a Fiscal Silk Road?

Eerishika Pankaj • Jun 11 2020 • Articles

Digital currency combines monetary, technological and economic factors with politics. China’s active participation in this realm indicates its importance and also marks it as the next competitive arena.

Opinion – Virtual Diplomacy in India

Angana Guha Roy • Jun 11 2020 • Articles

While diplomacy is usually constrained by the requirement of physical distance, Virtual Diplomacy has enabled seamless communication and information flow.

Opinion – Covid-19 in Colombia: Migration, Armed Conflict and Gendered Violence

Priscyll Anctil Avoine • Jun 10 2020 • Articles

As violence is part of daily reality in several countries, the pandemic and political and economic measures should be approached differently.

How Do States Behave? A Comparative Analysis between China and Argentina

Federico Verly • Jun 9 2020 • Articles

Although interesting similarities and differences can be enumerated between China and Argentina foreign policy decision-making processes present great complexity.

Opinion – Would You Hire A North Korean? South Korean Public Opinion is Mixed

Despite the considerable amount of assistance which the South Korean government provides for North Korean defectors, many still face discrimination.

Opinion – Identity Politics and COVID-19 in Myanmar’s Rakhine State

Sinmyung Park • Jun 8 2020 • Articles

All stakeholders should realise that COVID-19 provides a rare opportunity to advance the seemingly impossible goal of peace that the Rakhinese have longed for.

Nature Plays Last: Realism, Post-Realism, Post-Pandemic

Francis A. Beer and Robert Hariman • Jun 7 2020 • Articles

COVID 19 is a crisis for both world politics and for international relations theory. Pandemic effects make it evident that theorists have ignored crucial actors and phenomena.

Legal Representation for Asylum-Seekers and Refugees: Much Needed yet Sparse

Caroline Nalule • Jun 5 2020 • Articles

In times of emergency when states restrict individual rights and freedoms, the marginalised, vulnerable and disadvantaged members of society will be most hard-hit.

Trust in Interstate Intelligence Sharing

Robert Dover • Jun 5 2020 • Articles

As we continue our 2020 ‘coronacaster’, intelligence agencies have their hands full and it has never been more difficult to judge whom and what to trust.  

Between Politics and Policy: International Cooperation Beyond COVID-19

Michael McKenzie • Jun 4 2020 • Articles

The real challenge for practitioners is dealing with complexity; every case – not least COVID-19 – involves a unique mix of actors, institutions, and mechanisms.

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