
Banned from Belarus

David R. Marples • Jul 6 2020 • Articles

2010 was a watermark year. The signs for a freer election than in the past had been promising. But December marked a turning point, with candidates in prison on election night amidst Russian interference.

Post-Brexit EU Defence Policy: Is Germany Leading towards a European Army?

Alberto Cunha • Jul 5 2020 • Articles

In the wake of Trump’s unilateralism, France and Germany have repeated proposals to create a European army, but different ideas persist about what this would mean.

Memory Laws: Censorship in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 5 2020 • Articles

Ukraine had about 5000 Lenin statues placed during the former Soviet Union. Their removal seemed logical and natural: after all, what was Lenin to Ukraine?

Western Fact Finders: Entering the Soviet Union

David R. Marples • Jul 3 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences on Western fact-finding missions into the Soviet Union and Ukraine during the 1980s.

The State of China’s Soft Power in 2020

Daniele Carminati • Jul 3 2020 • Articles

China’s culture still has limited appeal, but as long as it is supported by economic assets and growth, its soft power is bound to attract.

The Global South as a Political Project

Luciana Ballestrin • Jul 3 2020 • Articles

The Global South is a political project which faces several challenges and is permanently disputed by progressive and regressive forces in the multipolar context.

The Maidan Revolution in Ukraine

David R. Marples • Jul 1 2020 • Articles

The reports from Ukraine made International headlines and the actions in Maidan were visible live on social media. Before long, it was hard to discern truth from fiction.

Opinion — Paradiplomacy in Times of Pandemic: The Paths Ahead

Mariano Alvarez • Jul 1 2020 • Articles

Although the Covid-19 pandemic poses challenges for states and international relations, it has already shown that paradiplomacy has an important role to play

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: A Memoir

David R. Marples • Jun 30 2020 • Articles

No writer really knows whether their experiences are unique or common, whether their insights are in any way original. Still, I convinced myself that there were some unusual things about my own.

Monitoring the Chernobyl Disaster

David R. Marples • Jun 30 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which garnered Marples international recognition.

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