
New Wars and New Practices in Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Marianna Albuquerque • May 26 2020 • Articles

In IR, the statement that war has played a central role in the formation, expansion, and maintenance of the international order is widely accepted, yet evolving.

Afghan Refugees and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Grant Farr • May 26 2020 • Articles

Afghanistan has neither the medical facilities nor the organizational structure to deal with these returning refugees and the pandemic they bring.

COVID-19 and Democracy in the European Union

Alexander Brotman • May 26 2020 • Articles

without reform, the transformative power of Europe risks providing a false sense of renewal that will only help nationalists and populists in the years ahead.

Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: The Beginning

David R. Marples • May 24 2020 • Articles

The book describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences from a student in London to a history professor in Alberta, Canada.

Opinion – Thinking about Heroes and Humanity During COVID-19

Murat Akan • May 24 2020 • Articles

Even the ones among us whom we would consider the freest because they leave in the free parts of the world are dominated.

International Political Sociology Contributions to International Relations

Hidayet Çilkoparan • May 23 2020 • Articles

The main objective of the Foucauldian IR should be to clearly present the possible original contributions to IR in understanding and explaining global politics.

Global Health Diplomacy and the Security of Nations Beyond COVID-19

Ali Al Bayaa • May 22 2020 • Articles

Post-modern health diplomacy, more health attachés, more sophisticated bilateral data sharing and long term data partnerships would deliver better solutions.

Beyond COVID-19: From Crisis to Compassion

Alejandro Chávez-Segura • May 22 2020 • Articles

We are facing a great opportunity to wake up as a global civil society, one of sovereign states working together by aligning individual needs with collective ones.

Constant Crisis and Political Byzantinism

Georgios Arabatzis • May 21 2020 • Articles

The politics that deals with multifaceted crises was limited to restrictive policies operating behind a rhetoric that one could acknowledge as political Byzantinism.

Opinion – Cryptocurrencies Still Don’t Challenge National Ones

John Hawkins • May 21 2020 • Articles

It still appears that if a type of cryptocurrency is to become significant it is most likely to be a digital version of an existing currency issued by a central bank.

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