
A Brief Overview of Alexander Wendt’s Constructivism

Zhan Mengshu • May 19 2020 • Articles

Wendt’s work enhances understandings of identities and interests – expanding IR’s understanding of anarchy and of phenomena not explained well by other theories.

Bolsonaro’s Brazil in Times of COVID-19: A Necropolitical Pharmakon

Manuela da Rosa Jorge • May 19 2020 • Articles

Once seen by millions as the remedy for Brazil’s “disease”, Jair Bolsonaro is turning into the poison many feared he would become.

The European Union’s Digital Strategy and COVID-19

Eduard Hovsepyan • May 19 2020 • Articles

The strategy in its current state successfully addresses most of the issues the outbreak of COVID-19 raises. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement.

Opinion – Non-Military Threats and the Limits of National Security

Talha Ibrahim • May 18 2020 • Articles

Covid-19 has changed a shift in the attitude of how national security should not be viewed in a military-centric manner.

Colombia: Coronavirus in a Scenario of Humanitarian Crisis

Raquel Araújo de Jesus • May 18 2020 • Articles

In Colombia coronavirus is not creating a ‘new’ humanitarian crisis scenario. Instead, it is adding a new layer of complexity and deepening its previous vulnerabilities.

Reversal of (Im)mobility Privilege and Borders During COVID-19

Houssem Ben Lazreg and Wael Garnaoui • May 18 2020 • Articles

In many people’s minds, closing borders means repelling migrants. But, Covid-19 has ridiculed this assumption as borders are not vanishing but rather metamorphosing.

The Global South is in Exile

Mariana Kalil • May 17 2020 • Articles

The Global South is not anywhere specific, neither a specific race, ethnicity, gender or epistemology, but everyone who is a marginalized thinker denouncing their condition while yielding more feasible thoughts.

Call for Papers – Dignity in Movement: Borders, Bodies and Rights

Jasmin Lilian Diab • May 15 2020 • Articles

A new edited book will seek to explore developments across the Migration sphere – including law, global health, border management, illegal migration and intersectional experiences.

The Global South in Times of Crisis: A China–Africa Relations View

Ilaria Carrozza • May 14 2020 • Articles

Developing countries have an opportunity to provide the rest of the world with best practices of solidarity and generosity. A younger and more digitally connected population is among the positive signs of this.

The COVID-19 Experiment in Minsk

David R. Marples • May 14 2020 • Articles

Lukashenka may or not may be the last dictator of Europe. But that he has risked the lives of thousands for a commemorative event is undeniable. It may be the epitaph of his lengthy presidency.

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