
Writing About Displaced People in the Time of Coronavirus

Phil Cole • May 14 2020 • Articles

The pandemic is simply exposing the ongoing precarity of the displaced rather than disrupting their ‘normal’ lives, and so there is much to learn about what international protection should look like.

Applying Securitization’s Second Generation to COVID-19

Lewis Eves and James Thedham • May 14 2020 • Articles

The United Kingdom and Serbia have been selected to show how second-generation thinking can be applied to both western and non-western political cultures.

New Warfare Domains and the Deterrence Theory Crisis

Rizwana Abbasi • May 13 2020 • Articles

The emergence of hybrid threats and hybrid war has altered the nature of the battlefield thereby transforming the relevance of nuclear deterrence.

Human Rights and Democracy Amidst Militarized COVID-19 Responses in Southeast Asia

Li-Li Chen • May 13 2020 • Articles

We need to be cautious of the forms of suppression and violence justified in a time of crisis, because they may indicate the emergence of a politics of intolerance and cruelty.

Opinion – Facebook’s Oversight Board: A Matter of Scope and Power

Daniel A. Díaz • May 12 2020 • Articles

Despite boasting impressive membership, it is difficult to say that this new board lives up to the powers and capabilities of an appropriate corporate governance body.

Oil During COVID-19: Essential Service or Subsidized Resource?

Kelsey Schober • May 12 2020 • Articles

Rhetoric that places oil as central to energy security, or even as an essential service does not capitalize on the opportunities offered by COVID-19 to shift to zero or low-carbon.

Calling for Reflexive Solidarity in International Relations

Yong-Soo Eun • May 12 2020 • Articles

By bringing reflexive solidary to our debate on the problem of Western-centred IR, new and diverse ways of ‘doing’ IR and thus ‘knowing’ international relations can flourish.

Russian Democrats’ Stance on the LGBT Community: An Attitudinal Shift

Artem Patalakh • May 11 2020 • Articles

Russia has yet to reach a point where LGBT support is necessary for a democratic politician. However, it is already desirable and certainly not shameful.

Opinion – COVID-19 Proves That We Never Were Resilient

Chris Zebrowski and Ksenia Chmutina • May 11 2020 • Articles

The sense of ‘security’ fostered by the ubiquity of claims to resilience has been shattered by COVID-19. We were never resilient.

Afghan Women in Geopolitical Imaginaries: Between NATO and India

Devaditya Agnihotri and Katharine A. M. Wright • May 11 2020 • Articles

The focus on personal stories in the media obscures the uncomfortable truth of the dire situation for Afghan women and their underrepresentation in Afghan armed forces.

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