
Intergenerational Justice and the Paris Agreement

James M. Nguyen • May 11 2020 • Articles

With a broad recognition of climate change as a problematic issue area, a better response needs to be developed while keeping intergenerational justice in mind.

Opinion – The Civilisation Narrative: China’s Grand Strategy to Rule the World

Mangesh Sawant • May 10 2020 • Articles

China, through the use of soft power, is working to undermine and replace the liberal order with rules conforming to its interests, creating a China-centric world.

The Need for Teachers to Address Racism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yih Ren • May 10 2020 • Articles

Educators need to exemplify democracy and social equality and help students to raise self-awareness as an active representative of their history, family, culture, language, community and intersectional selves.

Scorekeeping With Donald Trump in a COVID-19 Language Game

Jarett Malouf • May 8 2020 • Articles

At a time of national, and global, crisis Donald Trump has used his power to divisive ends by creating heroes and villains by simply identifying them.

The Specter of Terrorism During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Greg Simons and Cristina Bianca • May 8 2020 • Articles

There has been speculation as to whether terrorists may take advantage of the suffering, chaos and upheaval around the world.

The Trap of Diversity: What Constitutes ‘Non-Western IR Theory’?

Ferran Perez Mena • May 8 2020 • Articles

The production of non-Western International thought as the knowledge produced by societies beyond the territories of the West has reinforced new forms of essentialism in IR.

Can Populism Survive COVID-19?

Bruno Theodoro Luciano • May 8 2020 • Articles

While traditional tactics of populism have lost strength due to the pandemic, it also provides an opportunity for leaders to further challenge democratic institutions and international organisations.

The United Nations’ COVID-19 Dilemmas: Towards a Budgetary Crisis?

Ronny Patz • May 6 2020 • Articles

Unless major states overcome their opposing interests the positive effects of the additional money that comes in will be washed away by geopolitics.

Global Governance and COVID-19: The Implications of Fragmentation and Inequality

Masaya Llavaneras Blanco and Antulio Rosales • May 6 2020 • Articles

COVID-19 has seen nation-state specific solutions become the norm, but this fragmented response faces important limitations in implementing a global response.

What Can IR Learn from the Politics of Gender in the Global South?

Eduarda Lattanzi Menezes • May 6 2020 • Articles

Feminist resistance teaches how to rescue social movements beyond the imaginary of dominant structures that can aggregate new values for the international community.

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