
Reflecting on Democracy, Corruption and Climate Change in the COVID-19 Era

Marina Povitkina • May 6 2020 • Articles

Why have countries been able to mobilize so quickly in a fight against the spread of COVID-19, but are lacking such a sense of urgent response to tackle climate issues?

The COVID-19 Outbreak: A Testing Time for NGOs in Bangladesh

Mokbul Morshed Ahmad • May 6 2020 • Articles

The Bangladeshi government has shown little interest in working with the NGOs in combating the COVID-19 crisis and its fallout.

Opinion – Challenges to the Realist Perspective During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Gazala Fareedi • May 6 2020 • Articles

The pandemic has truly made us question the limiting theories of global politics which posits self-regarding/egoistic behavior by states as the only natural behavior.

Opinion – More Debate on the Coronavirus App Is Needed

Whether the app works or not, it is important to realize that many will not want to use it and that those who stand to benefit from it the most may not have access to it.

Opinion – Internal Simultaneity: A Science of Autobiography

Naeem Inayatullah • May 4 2020 • Articles

Autobiography should be regarded as way of coming to know the world. We can explore our lives with the same care and wonder we bring to the study of the world at large.

Grexit and Brexit: Lessons for the European Union

Ino Terzi • May 4 2020 • Articles

The two crises are largely attributable to the inability of the EU to successfully present itself as the solution to the problems of globalisation and its inability to counter critical domestic narratives.

The New Normal: Trauma Informed International Practices During COVID-19

Ian Edgerly • May 2 2020 • Articles

If the current trend of lashing out from a perceived position of victimization and trauma via the United States is upheld throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the globe is truly living in the new norm.

Opinion – The Rise of Mercenarism: Avoiding International Accountability

Oana-Cosmina Mihalache • May 1 2020 • Articles

Mercenaries provide a semi-permanent stronghold in Libya for acting as substitutes for those times when countries cannot rely on their national armies.

Noam Chomsky’s Views on Russian Foreign Policy: A Critical Analysis

Artem Patalakh • Apr 30 2020 • Articles

What sets Chomsky apart from many other fellow travelers of the Kremlin is that he tends to use references to IR scholars and occasionally insert critical remarks about Putin.

Opinion – How Coronavirus Exposes Unequal Access to Education in America

Tanishka Talagadadeevi • Apr 30 2020 • Articles

What do you get when you cross coronavirus and unequal access to WiFi? A perfect example of how the US education system fails to satisfy the right to equal education.

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