
Opinion – Why COVID-19 Will Not Be ‘Good’ for the Environment

Andrew Heffernan • Apr 30 2020 • Articles

Covid-19 presents an opportunity to ask difficult questions, make tough decisions and to rebuild the global economy in a more sustainable manner.

Opinion – The Defense Production Act, COVID-19 and Critical Minerals

Jordy Lee and Morgan Bazilian • Apr 30 2020 • Articles

Without clear policy to give the mining industry a comprehensive understanding of America’s material needs, it is unlikely that the United States will be able to achieve mineral security.

Examining the Response of Urban Trees in Canada to Variations in Climate

Isabella Boushey • Apr 29 2020 • Articles

Dendrochronology can tell us about changes in climate over time and help us develop future projections of environmental responses to climate.

Opinion – Is Standing by the Minsk II Agreement Worth It?

Katherine Brown • Apr 28 2020 • Articles

European signatories of the Minsk II Agreement should abandon the deal and go back to the negotiating tables in order to prevent the possibility of civil war in Ukraine.

Opinion – Is the Coronavirus War Narrative Helping Pakistan?

Saeed Ahmed Rid • Apr 28 2020 • Articles

Rather than using the war-narrative, there is evidence that people may accept difficult steps if they are coupled with a more humane and sympathetic narrative.

NGOs on Coronavirus Mode: The Risks of ‘Business as Usual’

Daniel A. Díaz • Apr 27 2020 • Articles

The challengefor NGOs is to gain in reflexivity through an exercise of active observation and assessment, to generate situational responses that need to be constantly assessed.

What International Relations Tells Us about COVID-19

Joshua Busby • Apr 26 2020 • Articles

A Trump re-election loss will not remove structural barriers to collaboration, but it might delegitimate some of the zero-sum thinking that proliferated during his time.

Opinion – Lessons America’s Adversaries Can Learn from the Covid-19 Pandemic  

Dan G. Cox • Apr 26 2020 • Articles

If we fail to examine scenarios of pandemics worse than Covid-19, we will suffer similar results and western democracies may find it hard to recover from such events.

Opinion – Coronavirus: Beyond Europe’s North-South Divide

Domenico Valenza • Apr 26 2020 • Articles

The European debate over coronavirus is not geographical but ideological, involving three competing views of how Europe should address current and future challenges.

COVID-19’s Reshaping of International Alignments: Insights from Italy

Carlo Catapano • Apr 25 2020 • Articles

Only a strong and coordinated response from the whole European Union will help states getting through the challenges produced by the pandemic.

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