
Opinion – Compromising US Energy Security for International Oil Market Stability

Benjamin Cherry-Smith • Apr 25 2020 • Articles

Trump has placed the US in a position to have its oil production manipulated by a cartel vying to remain relevant and a geopolitical rival seeking leverage.

Low-Cost Institutions: The New Kids on the Global Governance Block

Kenneth W. Abbott and Benjamin Faude • Apr 24 2020 • Articles

Low-Cost Institutions empower their executive, bureaucratic and societal participants, changing the pattern of authority in global governance and its actors composition.

Opinion – How to Call the COVID-19 Pandemic and Why it Matters

Alberto Frigerio • Apr 24 2020 • Articles

The current crisis was generated neither by a rare ‘black swan’ nor by a well visible ‘grey rhino’. Instead, it was a simple ‘bee in a car’ that caused this disaster.

Opinion – Multilateralism as Panacea for COVID-19

Any crisis holds an opportunity, and COVID-19 has the potential to reinvigorate global solidarity and play its part in saving multilateralism from its ultimate demise.

Battling Fake News and (In)Security during COVID-19

At a time of coronavirus, governments all have an interest in understanding and countering the spread of misinformation on social media platforms.

Militarization in the Age of the Pandemic Crisis

Henry A. Giroux and Ourania Filippakou • Apr 22 2020 • Articles

The spectacle of militarization functions as part of a culture of division and fragmentation, all the while refusing ask how the US shares elements of a fascist politics.

Coronavirus, Resilience and the Limits of Rationalist Universalism

Igor Merheim-Eyre • Apr 21 2020 • Articles

The re-building following the pandemic will require not only resilience and a continued fight for what we hold dear, but also to recognise the limits of rationalist universalism.

Negotiations in the Field: Citizenship, Political Belonging and Appearance

Sezer İdil Göğüş • Apr 21 2020 • Articles

It’s important to be aware that negotiations can be faced in the field before entering it and to know that such feelings of fear, failure, and discomfort are expected. 

International Relations Theory after the Cold War: China, the Global South and Non-state Actors

Emmanuel Matambo • Apr 21 2020 • Articles

The preponderance of China and the broader Global South have already begun transforming IR theory, whilst themselves undergoing occasional clashes.

Uganda’s Transitional Justice Policy Development Process and the International Criminal Court

Saghar Birjandian • Apr 21 2020 • Articles

The ICC acts as a beacon of mainstream transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict settings, which is demonstrated through the ‘peace versus justice debate’.

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