
Opinion – Government Was Made for the Coronavirus

Alexander Brotman • Apr 16 2020 • Articles

It is up to both political leaders and their constituents of all persuasions to ensure accountability and the delivery of all that government is capable of in the months ahead.

The ‘European (Union) Identity’: An Overview

Ugur Tekiner • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

The European Identity has undergone many phases. The fluctuating course of the integration renders it a construct emerging within the limits of European unification.

The European Identity: An Attempt at a Novel Approach

Ugur Tekiner • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

The European Identity is caught amid five major tensions, so a novel approach can develop on the condition that its room of manoeuvre left by those tensions is overcome.

Introducing Guiding Principles for the Development and Use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

The Guiding Principles are a starting point for discussing how autonomous weapons might be somewhat constrained and what ‘good’ practice might look like.

Guiding Principles for the Development and Use of LAWS: Version 1.0

The Canberra Working Group • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

The advent of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) presents States with new political, technological, operational, legal and ethical challenges.

A Critique of the Canberra Guiding Principles on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

Thompson Chengeta • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

With the current banphobia in Geneva, it is important note that those who seek a regulation, maintenance of human control over LAWS or a ban seek the same thing.

Historical and Contemporary Reflections on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems

John R. Emery • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

Technology offers military decision-makers an alluring appeal to technological fixes to ethico-political dilemmas of killing in war.

Soft Power: Can Less be More?

Max Nurnus • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

Trump and his administration are probably a disaster for American soft power and undermine the country’s standing in the world – but is that necessarily bad?

Politics of Banking in Europe: Global Banks and Domestic Institutional Legacies

Elsa Massoc • Apr 15 2020 • Articles

International Political Economy and Comparative Political Economy should not be rival, but complementary approaches to understand a complicatedly governed world.

I Don’t Know What to Do with Myself: ‘I’ as a Tool, a Voice, and an Object in Writing

Katarina Kušić • Apr 14 2020 • Articles

In presenting a story of my own negotiation, I call for careful consideration of ‘I’ as an object, voice, and tool – and how it might entwine with hierarchies.

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