
The Valorisation of Intimacy: How to Make Sense of Disdain, Distance and ‘Data’

Emma Mc Cluskey • Apr 14 2020 • Articles

A practical and collective reflexivity is indispensable to the type of embedded, ethnographic fieldwork so many of us are now undertaking in the field of IR.

Oil Power Politics amidst a Global Pandemic

Benjamin Cherry-Smith • Apr 12 2020 • Articles

Despite recent developments, the US has been unable to broker a longer term end to the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia as the motives of the three states vary.

Non-Western International Relations Theorisation: Reflexive Stocktaking

Yong-Soo Eun • Apr 12 2020 • Articles

Despite the currents of debate over “broadening” the theoretical horizons of IR beyond the West, several critical questions and issues still remain unclear or unexplored.

Italy as the Kremlin’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Europe: Some Overlooked Factors

Artem Patalakh • Apr 11 2020 • Articles

As Russian influence in Italy grows, Putin’s ‘Trojan horse’ in the EU reflects several societal trends, molding perceptions of a foreign policy appropriate for Italy.

Socio-economic Impacts and Counter-cyclical Policies to Face Coronavirus in Brazil

Thauan Santos • Apr 11 2020 • Articles

Measures to deal with COVID-19 on the Brazilian economy must consider the asymmetric impacts of this unprecedented humanitarian crisis on society, as well as environmental and climate aspects.

Opinion – Realism and the Coronavirus Crisis

Frederick Kliem • Apr 11 2020 • Articles

While it cannot help to solve the problem, IR theory can aid our understanding of how states behave amidst the global Covid-19 crisis.

Tears and Laughter: Affective Failure and Mis/recognition in Feminist IR Research

Lydia C. Cole • Apr 9 2020 • Articles

No one knows how or to what extent affect and failure will enter your research. So it may be reassuring to know that affect failure is not a failure of research practice.

Failing in the Reflexive and Collaborative Turns: Empire, Colonialism, Gender and the Impossibilities of North-South Collaborations

Desirée Poets • Apr 9 2020 • Articles

As Postcolonial Theory becomes accepted in the mainstream, how do we control the means through which academia aims to re-invent its as only seemingly more benign?

Community-Based Natural Resource Management and Global Climate Change in Namibia

Andrew Heffernan • Apr 8 2020 • Articles

It is important to adequately unpack community-based natural resource management as a form of resource governance and to analyze the politics that are involved in it.

Opinion – Iran’s End Game Beyond Coronavirus

Ramesh Sepehrrad • Apr 7 2020 • Articles

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the inherent dictatorial nature of the Islamic Republic, and may prove a final countdown towards its end.

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