
Understanding Ukraine and Belarus: Heroes and Villains

David R. Marples • Jun 23 2020 • Articles

This chapter describes the author’s travel, stories and experiences teaching and documenting the struggles of establishing an accepted history of Ukraine.

Sino-Taiwan Chequebook Diplomacy in the Pacific

Saber Salem • Jun 22 2020 • Articles

As the Sino-Taiwan aid competition in the Pacific intensifies, Beijing hopes that Taipei will give up its secessionist drive under immense diplomatic pressure.

Nigeria’s Soft Power in the Face of COVID-19

Fidel Abowei • Jun 22 2020 • Articles

Despite the fragility of its institutions, Nigeria stands to make the best of a bad situation by projecting an image of a country addressing its deficits.

The Remote Warfare Paradox: Democracies, Risk Aversion and Military Engagement

Jolle Demmers and Lauren Gould • Jun 20 2020 • Articles

Western democracies’ claims to the moral high ground in respect to the brutality of war are uncalled for. There is no such thing as sophisticated violence.

Remote Warfare and the Utility of Military and Security Contractors

Christopher Kinsey and Helene Olsen • Jun 20 2020 • Articles

There are important ethical, political and legal concerns with military contracting. The most serious of these is the fear that it will lead to a democratic deficit.

Opinion – Global Environmental Politics in Times of Coronavirus: Lessons from Mexico

José-Manuel Leal • Jun 19 2020 • Articles

The current pandemic exhibits the strong dependency from transnational companies in the food, and medicine supply.

The Responsibility to Protect in 2020: Thinking Beyond the UN Security Council

Samuel Jarvis • Jun 19 2020 • Articles

The break down in multilateralism forces us to think more expansively about how protection and prevention initiatives can be delivered and supported.

Opinion – COVID-19: Why is the World Singling Out New Zealand for Praise?

Houssem Ben Lazreg and Adel Dhahri • Jun 19 2020 • Articles

Some of the countries that were labeled by Donald Trump as ‘shitholes’ outperformed Global North states and despite their successes have been sidelined by the media.

Surveying the American Public on the Plight of Climate Refugees

The public does not seem inherently hostile to assistance to climate refugees or US involvement to address their plight.

Opinion – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of COVID-19 Recovery Financing in Europe

Frederick Kliem • Jun 17 2020 • Articles

COVID-19 has exposed the weaknesses of both the EU and the eurozone and brought into question the fiscal and political survival of the bloc.

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