
Researching the Uncertain: Memory and Disappearance in Mexico

Danielle House • Apr 2 2020 • Articles

My project was framed by failure: it was impossible to conceptually and literally to understand the central issue of my project. Yet I tried to work within uncertainty.

Sensible Politics: Expanding from Visual IR to Multisensory Politics

William A. Callahan • Apr 2 2020 • Articles

Sensible Politics aims to decenter our understanding of international politics by expanding to include the visual and the multisensory, and expanding from Eurocentric investigations of visual IR.

Democracy in Virulent Times: Symbols and the Future of National Populism

Alexandros Koutsoukis • Mar 31 2020 • Articles

Winning the battle of symbols is of strategic significance and will define the character of our nations, the future of our democracies, and the legacy of populism.

The Coming Storm: Crisis, Climate Change, and the Right to Vote

William Kakenmaster and Alice C. Hill • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

COVID-19 reveals new vulnerabilities in the right to vote. The pandemic has shown that the USA needs actions to avoid ad hoc responses to disruptions of voting rights.

Opinion – Brexit and Its Many Identities in the UK

Alexander Brotman • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

We must hope the UK fosters a collective sense of civic responsibility while applauding the multitude of unique identities that will undoubtedly determine its course of history.

Opinion – Spain’s Request For NATO Coronavirus Aid: Will Turkey Answer?

Kareem Salem • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

Ankara has very little room for manoeuvre to support the Turkish economy, let alone give aid to Spain, given that Turkey has limited financial reserves and a large budget deficit.

Fieldwork, Failure, International Relations

Katarina Kušić and Jakub Záhora • Mar 30 2020 • Articles

This volume aims to unsettle the silence that surrounds fieldwork failure in both methods training and academic publications by evaluating Ph.D researchers experiences.

Opinion – The Gendered Consequences of Coronavirus

Katelyn Jones and Tria Raimundo • Mar 26 2020 • Articles

Women are especially affected by Coronavirus. Ensuring policies are responsive to the different ways women experience it is critical to ensure wellbeing.

Opinion – Can the Coronavirus Crisis Revive Multilateralism?

Dhanasree Jayaram • Mar 26 2020 • Articles

The call for multilateralism should be reinforced to tackle the far-reaching health, economic, (geo)political, infrastructural and social implications of the coronavirus crisis.

Opinion – Coronavirus amid Regional Instability in the Middle East

Jasmin Lilian Diab • Mar 25 2020 • Articles

The Coronavirus pandemic seems to have pushed conflicts in the region into the background, but it is unclear how long this picture will remain.

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