
Coronavirus and the End of Resilience

David Chandler • Mar 25 2020 • Articles

Coronavirus shows the limits of resilience. If we are the security threat as well as the subjects to be secured, then we cannot be trusted to secure ourselves.

China and Japan’s Connectivity Strategies in Southeast Asia: Thailand’s Case

Daniele Carminati • Mar 25 2020 • Articles

If Thailand manages to advance a mutually agreed vision for regional connectivity, it can potentially benefit both from competition and collaboration.

Global Displacement, COVID-19 and the Risk of a False-positive Flattened Curve

Ali Al Bayaa • Mar 25 2020 • Articles

Any meaningful global health strategy to combat Coronavirus must take the potential risk to refugees and other vulnerable groups into consideration.

Opinion – International Humanitarian Law Should Have Been Part of the Taliban Deal

Todd Carney • Mar 24 2020 • Articles

By not providing specific provisions to curb the Taliban’s warfare tactics and get them to agree to IHL provisions, the US missed an opportunity.

Opinion – The Limits of Humanist Ethics in the Anthropocene

Jan Pospisil • Mar 24 2020 • Articles

Anthropocene ethics evolve in a contestation between withdrawal and affirmation, and both of these logics develop in antagonisms that they cannot overcome.

Opinion – Political Challenges Ahead for the New Iraqi Prime Minister

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Mar 23 2020 • Articles

Any major change in Iraqi politics can also invariably affect the regional dynamics in the Middle East determining the political and economic stability of the region.

Opinion – China and the Rebuilding of Syria

Roie Yellinek • Mar 23 2020 • Articles

Chinese investment in Syria is a statement of intent for now. The war will have to end before China will take any significant further steps.

Containing Coronavirus: Resilience in Times of Catastrophe

Pol Bargués • Mar 23 2020 • Articles

A planetary retreat seems the most ethical strategy to save lives, yet it is important to think what we are becoming as a society by withdrawing from communal life.

Navigating Access to Healthcare in Lebanon: The Political Economy of Health across Conflict, Revolution and Applicability

Jasmin Lilian Diab and Fouad M. Fouad • Mar 20 2020 • Articles

The case of Lebanon’s health sector is highly fundamental in understanding healthcare in the MENA region – where reform efforts are progressively converging.

The Virtue of Being Small: An Analysis of Luxembourg’s Defence Strategy

Christian Nikolaus Braun • Mar 20 2020 • Articles

Not only has Luxembourg prospered economically, but is has also been able to maintain its political sovereignty and territorial integrity at a very low cost.

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