
Africa’s Disproportionate COVID-19 Pandemic

Marcelle Bessa • Jun 2 2020 • Articles

The African continent shows that the coronavirus does not affect everyone equally and the pandemic intensifies existing lines of social segmentation.

The British Labour Party after Brexit

Ugur Tekiner • May 31 2020 • Articles

Only time will tell if the Labour party will cope with the post-Brexit challenges or spiral into a downward trend akin to other European centre-left parties.

The Case of UN Involvement in Jammu and Kashmir

Stephen P. Westcott • May 29 2020 • Articles

The Security Council limited the Kashmiri people to accession into either India or Pakistan, in fact privileging another norm: the existing sovereign state’s rights.

The United Nations, Self-Determination, State Failure and Secession

Ed Brown • May 29 2020 • Articles

Secessionist states are unlikely to gain membership as the principle of territorial integrity holds primacy, initially showing it to be a foe to self-determination.

International Relations Theory: Still a White Man’s Burden

Seema Narain • May 29 2020 • Articles

Decentring the IR discipline from a westphalian spotlight to a more objective analysis of the international system and international society is in order.

Anxiety and COVID-19: The Role of Ontological Security and Myth

Xander Kirke • May 29 2020 • Articles

Myths that lift the collective morale, that does not necessarily ‘other’, but instead strengthens bonds, may be positive and necessary in these challenging times.

Opinion – Updating the 1951 Convention for Refugees

Somabha Bandopadhay • May 28 2020 • Articles

The 1951 Refugee Convention is required to be amended so that “climate refugees” are given a place within the gamut of the refugee law regime.

Opinion – Sustainability for the Urban Poor Beyond COVID-19

Jaimin Parikh • May 27 2020 • Articles

The ‘win-win’ scenario for governments, the urban poor, as well as private players is likely to emerge if public private partnership models are adopted.

New Wars and New Practices in Contemporary Armed Conflicts

Marianna Albuquerque • May 26 2020 • Articles

In IR, the statement that war has played a central role in the formation, expansion, and maintenance of the international order is widely accepted, yet evolving.

Afghan Refugees and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Grant Farr • May 26 2020 • Articles

Afghanistan has neither the medical facilities nor the organizational structure to deal with these returning refugees and the pandemic they bring.

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