
Failing Better Together? A Stylised Conversation about Fieldwork

Johannes Gunesch and Amina Nolte • Mar 4 2020 • Articles

There is much more to critical research than publish or perish, success and failure. Supervision, collegiality, and care are crucial. ‘Failure’ must be worked through.

Opinion – Pipelines and Politics: Natural Gas Connects Israel and Egypt

Roie Yellinek • Mar 4 2020 • Articles

The signing of the Israel-Egypt gas deal highlights the mutual interests of both countries and provides an economic framework to support peaceful bilateral relations.

Reflections on Confucian Cosmology and the Chinese School of IR

Wan-Ping Lin and Ching-Chang Chen • Mar 3 2020 • Articles

Confucian cosmology enables us to engage with panarchy while going beyond the rationalist or utilitarian paradigm in the knowledge tradition of science.

Opinion – Coronavirus and its Impact in the Gulf

Hamdullah Baycar • Feb 28 2020 • Articles

Even though China is geographically distant from the Gulf, the impact of coronavirus will be felt keenly in all the GCC nations. and particularly in Dubai and the UAE.

The United Nations and Self-Determination in the Case of East Timor

Jakob R. Avgustin • Feb 27 2020 • Articles

In the case of East Timor, one can argue that the UN was definitely not a friend to the people of East Timor even without the right to self-determination in the equation.

Opinion – The Aam Aadmi Party’s Effect on Indian Politics

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Feb 24 2020 • Articles

While pro-government voices are eager to emblazon the AAP’s victory as a victory of Hindutva ideology, they fail to understand the essence of the party.

Age of the Deal: Donald Trump Won the Battle of Seattle

Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama • Feb 21 2020 • Articles

Donald Trump emerged as the unlikely victor of the Battle of Seattle, despite many underestimating his political muscle, causing multilateralism to suffer accordingly.

An Examination of Chinese Humanism

Bo Yuan Chang • Feb 20 2020 • Articles

In Western-humanist discourses, it is commonly believed that the strong always triumphs over the weak, due to its superiority in strength. The Chinese disagrees.

Opinion – Iran 2020: Election Polls, Panics and Predictions

Ramesh Sepehrrad • Feb 20 2020 • Articles

Iran’s parliamentary election is best understood as one held by a regime in fear of its unraveling in the hands of Iranian people, paralyzed with international isolation.

Opinion – The Contours of the Saudi Arabia-Pakistan Relationship

Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal • Feb 20 2020 • Articles

With India causing discomfort to Islamabad, the long-standing Islamic alliance will continue on the basis of strategic, political and economic convergences that are crucial for both countries.

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