
Sexual Abuse in UN Peacekeeping: The Problem of Viewing Women as a ‘Quick Fix’

Brianna Nicole Hernandez • Feb 20 2020 • Articles

Sexual exploitation is about power more than gender or any physical attraction to a particularly sexed body. In the realm of peacekeeping, it is about the uniform.

The Precarious History of the UN towards Self-Determination

Jakob R. Avgustin • Feb 18 2020 • Articles

Moving beyond the existing UN paradigm might bring forward better and sustainable solutions for some of the world’s longest-lasting conflicts.

Climate Change and Food Security in the Pacific

Saber Salem • Feb 18 2020 • Articles

There are multiple disasters such as sea level rise, drought, cyclones and flooding which directly impact the food security of the region and could send millions of its already impoverished population to destitution.

Opinion – Estonia’s Soft Power through Technology

Alex Hardy • Feb 14 2020 • Articles

Whilst Estonian domestic politics continues to be somewhat chaotic, its expansive foreign policy continues to embrace e-Governance as a soft power tool of the future.

Opinion – The Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on Central Asia and the South Caucasus

Roie Yellinek • Feb 14 2020 • Articles

Maximizing the benefits of the BRI while minimizing the costs will require an eye to ensuring the well-being of host economies and citizens is properly safeguarded.

The Growth of Feminist (?) Foreign Policy

Jennifer Thomson • Feb 10 2020 • Articles

Feminist foreign policy’s uptake so far has been restricted to middle powers; it will be interesting to see whether or not more powerful states start to adopt it as well.

The Semi-Public World of Influencer Diplomacy, Universities and Think Tanks

Max Nurnus • Feb 10 2020 • Articles

Governments that engage in influencer diplomacy as well as those who benefit from it have an interest in keeping these activities semi-public.

The Rise of Populism: a Threat to Civil Society?

Lucie Calléja • Feb 9 2020 • Articles

The Indian case shows that populism presents anti-elitist and people-centred characteristics with a conception of “the people” that can be exclusionary.

Jus Post Bellum and Responsibilities to Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Laura E. Alexander and Kristopher Norris • Feb 6 2020 • Articles

Pope Francis draws on jus post bellum to demand that states who intervene militarily in the affairs of others, take responsibility for those displaced by intervention.

Globalization, Human Trafficking and Tourism in the Caribbean

Kendra Morancy • Feb 4 2020 • Articles

Sex tourism is the recreation of racist exploitation measures. Several factors link back to globalization’s role of driving the exploitation of Caribbean women and men.

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