
When Military Coups d’état Become Acts of Social Justice

Nadine Olafsson • Jan 17 2020 • Articles

The field of military studies and the field of social justice are often seen as antagonisms, when they do not necessarily have to be.

Revisiting OPEC’s Democratic Roots in the Age of Climate Emergency

Michael Dobson • Jan 17 2020 • Articles

The climate movement does not typically look to the oil industry for its heroes. Yet as policymakers have begun to follow activists in pursuing supply side climate policy, figures within OPEC’s history deserve to be studied.

Trump’s US-China Trade War and America’s International Place

Hamid Elyassi • Jan 16 2020 • Articles

If the MAGA doctrine results in introversion in America, it may find itself a nation with a great future behind it.

Opinion – Scottish Foreign Policy in the Brexit Era

Anthony Salamone • Jan 15 2020 • Articles

Scotland will become diverge from the UK on European and international affairs post Brexit and it will have to navigate a variable and unstable world in advocating its interests and values.

Climate Ideas as Drivers of Pacific Islands’ Regional Politics and Cooperation

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Jan 15 2020 • Articles

An ideational approach to regional politics can better inform how climate ideas have shaped the Pacific Islands in driving their regional agenda.

Opinion – The Iranian Regime’s Future Post Soleimani

Aditya Raj • Jan 15 2020 • Articles

It is the perfect time for a transition of power in Iran but this time the United States should work on it in a peaceful manner, unlike in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hegemony and Diversity in the ‘Liberal International Order’: Theory and Reality

Amitav Acharya • Jan 14 2020 • Articles

Global power shifts, anti-globalization sentiments and the rise of populist leaders highlight a crisis in the ‘hegemony-diversity gap’ at the heart of the liberal order.

#ElParoNoPara: Peace, Protests, and Performances of Solidarity in Colombia

Shauna N. Gillooly • Jan 12 2020 • Articles

Colombia’s historic, ongoing protests along with systematic structural violence and positive peace continues to impact the 2016 peace accords and transitional justice.

The Flaring Sino-Indian Security Dilemma: Is Conventional Deterrence Eroding?

Erik Herejk Ribeiro • Jan 11 2020 • Articles

Recent changes in the offense-defense balance over the Himalayas are blurring deterrence dynamics between China and India.

Diffusion Across International Organizations

Thomas Sommerer • Jan 11 2020 • Articles

Growing organizational density in global governance and rising challenges from stakeholders push IOs to adopt similar institutional designs, policies, and norms.

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