
Climate Change and the Sinking Island States in the Pacific

Saber Salem • Jan 9 2020 • Articles

Small island nations are exposed to multi-dimensional climate crises such as ocean level rise, flooding, coastal erosion, inundation of agricultural lands, drying up of drinking water and sea acidification, which endangers fish life and stock.

Can Zimbabwe Move Beyond the Sanctions Rhetoric?

Hoitsimolimo Mutlokwa • Jan 9 2020 • Articles

As long as the playing field is not level, inequality between the political elite and the ordinary citizen will ensure that Zimbabwe remains politically unstable and a humanitarian concern.

Reinforcing Environmental Degradation With Market-Based Sustainability Schemes

Angela Licata • Dec 31 2019 • Articles

In order to change the capitalist culture that causes mass consumerism, we need environmental initiatives that do not reinforce the problematic consumer culture.

The Afghan Peace Talks, China, and the Afghan Elections

Grant Farr • Dec 23 2019 • Articles

As the United States pulls back from international commitments, and Afghanistan continues to be internally unstable, China is glad to step in.

Opinion – Trump’s Effective China Strategy

Ariel Shangguan • Dec 23 2019 • Articles

Trump may not be a ‘stable genius’, but when it comes to China, he might well have the most effective foreign policy of all the U.S. presidents of the last thirty years.

Competing Logics of Security toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey and Lebanon

Sefa Secen • Dec 20 2019 • Articles

Turkey’s and Lebanon’s high levels of political polarization could engender competing logics of security and increase Syrian refugees’ vulnerability to instability.

International Hierarchies Built Upon Gratitude as Political Power

Rainer Ricardo • Dec 19 2019 • Articles

Gratitude expressed by subaltern states help hegemons to represent themselves as benevolent actors. Thus gratitude reinforces the will to pursue global hegemony. 

The Global Compact on Refugees and Latin America

Refugee protection might be enhanced in Latin America, but perhaps inspirations can also arise to be replicated globally in improving the chances of success of the GCR.

International Organizations’ Emergency Powers: Ratchet or Rollback?

Christian Kreuder-Sonnen • Dec 17 2019 • Articles

Although emergency powers come with formidable normative problems, when International Organisations resort to emergency politics they do what they were envisioned for.

Brexit Endgame: The 2019 UK Election

Russell Foster • Dec 14 2019 • Articles

Brexit is coming. But, maybe Boris Johnson will strike a good deal with the EU to prevent the further polarisation in the UK.

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