
The Israeli-Palestinian Impasse and Theories of Peace in International Relations

Dana Gold • Nov 7 2019 • Articles

Scholars should not be penalized for a lack of solutions in achieving peace since they are not expected to solve global crises and their work can aid in creating peace.

Migration Governance: Between Skills Needs and Social Constraints

Reem Saeed • Nov 6 2019 • Articles

The UAE needs a new migration governance framework as the present policy leads to an increased gap between shifting the economy and labour market productivity.

How Often Does the UN Security Council Use a Gender Lens? Not Often Enough

Katelyn Jones • Nov 6 2019 • Articles

The Women, Peace and Security agenda’s impact continues to be limited in scope as Security Council meetings do not incorporate the gender lens mandated by USNCR 1325.

Asylum Paradiplomacy: Putting Cities on the Map of Migration Policymaking

Paula Pimenta • Nov 5 2019 • Articles

By behaving as actors in the international arena, subnational units have been able to establish a new route to tackle challenges concerning integration of refugees.

Change of Players, Change of Game: How States Got Left Behind on Climate Change

Charlotte Hulme • Nov 5 2019 • Articles

Climate change may be a unique transnational risk, but how non-national actors are responding to it offers general lessons for our understanding of global politics.

Developing Global Champions: Why National Oil Companies Expand Abroad

Andrew Cheon • Oct 24 2019 • Articles

Domestic structures can help us understand how state capitalist governments weigh the potential costs and benefits of NOC global expansion.

The Dumb Giant: Brazilian Foreign Policy under Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro has been in office for more than nine months without an objective government platform and no coalition. Its political capital is the result of its own image.

Opinion – Shinzō Abe and Russo-Japanese Relations

Daminov Ildar • Oct 13 2019 • Articles

If Abe and Putin can normalize relations they will boost the economic development of Northeast Asia, strengthen regional security and counterbalance China.

Latin American Integration: The Dilemma

Luis Fernando Vargas-Alzate • Oct 10 2019 • Articles

Latin American integration is difficult due to lack of conceptual comprehension (by practitioners) and low political commitment, especially regarding supra-nationalism.

Latin America and China: Reflections on the 70th Anniversary of the PRC

Maurício Santoro • Oct 9 2019 • Articles

In the last 20 years, China became a major economic partner in Latin America, but its increased presence also provokes nationalistic reactions in countries like Brazil.

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