
Facebook’s Libra: A Global Monetary System Governed by Private Corporations?

Iwa Salami • Oct 8 2019 • Articles

A great deal of international acceptance and cooperation would be required for the Libra Global Coin to operate without jeopardizing international financial stability.

The “Drone” Lexicon

Joseph Chapa • Sep 30 2019 • Articles

The term, “drone,” is often unhelpful and is useful only to the degree that those who use it clarify the sub-categories within it that are actually at stake.

Latin American Regionalism Under the New Right

Bárbara C. Neves and Karen Honório • Sep 27 2019 • Articles

The autonomy void present in the current forms of regionalism in Latin America puts the region’s societies in a position of dependency to non-national projects.

How Well-meaning Donors Create the UN Machinery They Don’t Like

Vytautas Jankauskas and Ronny Patz • Sep 27 2019 • Articles

While states have been increasing financial support to the UN, their shift towards voluntary contributions adds more fuel to the fire of UN bureaucracy that they dislike.

Dangerous Gaming: Cyber-Attacks, Air-Strikes and Twitter

Andrew Dwyer and Jantje Silomon • Sep 23 2019 • Articles

By using gamified logics, the Israel Defense Forces in a tweet positioned air-strikes on a plane similar to cyber-attacks, transforming Hamas into inhuman targets.

Germany and the New Global Order: The Country’s Power Resources Reassessed

Rainer Hillebrand • Sep 22 2019 • Articles

By strengthening its power resources, Germany can lay the foundations for more active leadership globally and through a strengthened European liberal order.

Considering the Whole Ecosystem in Regulating Terrorist Content and Hate Online

Amy-Louise Watkin • Sep 18 2019 • Articles

The whole ecosystem is going to require new regulatory frameworks to combat extremist content online. Removal of content is not necessarily the best form of action.

Opinion – The Dutch Don’t Need Big Subs to Watch the Bay

Robert Palmer • Sep 13 2019 • Articles

It can be tempting for military leaders to “go big”, but it is better to “go smart” and choose what is best suited for one’s needs.

The Need for Peace Diplomacy in South Korea

Mi-yeon Hur • Sep 13 2019 • Articles

Some people would say that peace diplomacy is naïve, but by seeking “positive peace” the Moon Jae-in government will become a true winner on the international scene.

Russia and Turkey: An Ambiguous Energy Partnership

John Koutroumpis • Sep 11 2019 • Articles

Notwithstanding conflicting geopolitical calculations, the relationship between Russia and Turkey is deeply embedded in an energy-based solid economic foundation.

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