
Opinion – Iran’s End Game Beyond Coronavirus

Ramesh Sepehrrad • Apr 7 2020 • Articles

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the inherent dictatorial nature of the Islamic Republic, and may prove a final countdown towards its end.

State of Exception? When Theory Meets Its Walls: A Rejoinder

Toni Čerkez and Martin Gramc • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

It seems exaggerated, if not theoretically blind, to claim that emergency measures adopted in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak are ‘irrational and entirely unfounded’.

The Medieval Foundations of the Theory of Sovereignty

Andrew Latham and Chris Werbos • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

The differences between the late medieval ideal of sovereignty and its early modern counterpart amounted to more of a variation on a theme than a difference in kind.

The Afghan Peace Agreement and Its Problems

Grant Farr • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

With a weak government in Kabul and with the United States removing its troops some fear the Taliban will wait until the US troops leave and then overrun Kabul.

Opinion – Coronavirus and the Need for Global Governance

Mark Coeckelbergh • Apr 6 2020 • Articles

Dealing effectively with global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis requires global political institutions, and the moment is now.

What Might Have Been Lost: Fieldwork and the Challenges of Translation

Renata Summa • Apr 5 2020 • Articles

The only stories that are possible to be told are the translations of ours or our interlocutors’ experiences located in particular places and in particular times.

Building on Ruins or Patching up the Possible? Reinscribing Fieldwork Failure in IR as a Productive Rupture

Failure is produced structurally but experienced personally, and is always hard to take. All academics, by virtue of being academics, are haunted by it.

Globalized Authoritarianism: The Expansion of the Chinese Surveillance Apparatus

Adrian Kreutz • Apr 3 2020 • Articles

The expansion hypothesis is verified by the expansion of the Chinese surveillance technology. This threatens liberal democracy through the accumulation of illiberal acts.

Opinion – Nationalism and Trump’s Response to Covid-19

Benjamin Cherry-Smith • Apr 3 2020 • Articles

As covid-19 continues to spread in the US, the Trump administrations handling of it as a public health and economic issue will be at the forefront the election.

Securitizing ‘Bare Life’? Human Security and Coronavirus

Giorgio Shani • Apr 3 2020 • Articles

Those who stay home may represent a new global ethic borne out of solidarity based on a mutual vulnerability in the face of existential threat: human security without a sovereign.

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