
Right-wing Populism and the Attack on Cooperative International Security

Matthew LeRiche and Friedrich W. Opitz • Aug 23 2019 • Articles

When policies can be framed about the security of the foreigner at the expense of the local or domestic, populists and right-wing opportunists can take advantage.

Doing Sex Right in Nepal: Activist Language and Sexed/Gendered Expectations

Lisa Caviglia • Aug 23 2019 • Articles

Gender-variant understandings of self are not always reducible to culturally explicit and socially evident claims to identities, or fixed across entire lifespans

Asexuality, the Internet, and the Changing Lexicon of Sexuality

Jo Teut • Aug 22 2019 • Articles

By examining the language the asexual community has created as well as how we use this language we can understand different ways of constructing sexual categories.

Japanese ‘LGBT Boom’ Discourse and its Discontents

Ioana Fotache • Aug 20 2019 • Articles

The separation between political queer discourse and local behaviour has long existed and the adoption of universal terminology risks rendering subjectivities invisible.

Indigenous Sexualities: Resisting Conquest and Translation

Manuela L. Picq and Josi Tikuna • Aug 20 2019 • Articles

To Indigenise sexualities is a theoretical project in the sense of making visible how colonialism and sexuality interact within the perverse logic of modernity.

Understanding Sinn Féin’s Abstention from the UK Parliament

Conor Kelly • Aug 19 2019 • Articles

Asking Sinn Féin to take or forfeit their seats to stop Brexit does not go to the heart of why they are abstentionists in the first place.

Translating ‘Queer’ Into (Kyrgyzstani) Russian

Mohira Suyarkulova • Aug 18 2019 • Articles

The multiple uses of ‘queer’ across languages bear a ‘family resemblance’, but are not in a relationship of one-to-one correspondence of equivalence and identity.

Decolonising Queer Bangladesh: Neoliberalism Against LGBTQ+ Emancipation

Ibtisam Ahmed • Aug 16 2019 • Articles

While international solidarity is important and Western allies can provide much-needed security, it is vital for queer activism itself to be grounded in decolonisation.

Donors’ LGBT Support in Tajikistan: Promoting Diversity or Provoking Violence?

Karolina Kluczewska • Aug 12 2019 • Articles

LGBT rights projects funded by donors in Tajikistan have been more so an outcome of Western imagination than of an understanding of local realities.

The ASEAN Way Out? Toward Cooperative Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia

Brian Dorman and Tyler James Olsen • Aug 10 2019 • Articles

Notwithstanding its long-standing policy of non-interference, ASEAN is well-suited to respond and cooperate regionally on transboundary environmental issues.

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