
Brexit Populism: To the Brink of Democracy and an Unholy Alliance with the US

Hartmut Behr • Aug 8 2019 • Articles

With the installation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the UK, British democracy has – alongside political developments in the United States – reached a tipping point.

The Namelessness of Lives: What’s Not in a Name?

Cai Wilkinson • Aug 8 2019 • Articles

While our personal names shape perceptions, the labels used to describe our gendered selves and desires are radically different to different people across time and place.

China’s Rise in the African Franc Zone and France’s Containment Policy

Afa'anwi Ma'abo Che • Aug 7 2019 • Articles

Any curtailment to China’s ambitions in Franc Zone Africa would only dent people’s prospects of benefiting from its unmatched commitment to the continent.

Anatomies of Revolution

George Lawson • Aug 6 2019 • Articles

Revolutions have existed throughout human history, their greatest impact has been felt under modernity – the configuration of political, economic and symbolic processes.

Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament

Rizwana Abbasi • Aug 2 2019 • Articles

CEND could play a leading role to the comprehension of states’ rivalries and threat perceptions that compel them to achieve technological efficiency and sufficiency.

Hatred and Fear: Bolsonaro and the Return of Irrational Politics

Rafael R. Ioris and Andre Pagliarini • Jul 29 2019 • Articles

Brazil is yet another case of liberal politics deteriorating into the fetid morass of hatred, fear, baseless accusations and prosecutions against those seen as enemies.

Trump is Right About Iran, Yet Wrong

Alam Saleh • Jul 25 2019 • Articles

President Trump has inherited a limited range and scope of choices in confronting Iran. Right or wrong, he has no option in dealing with Iran but to deal with Iran.

An Ontological Reading of Turkey’s AK Party – Gülen Movement Conflict

Arslan Ayan • Jul 21 2019 • Articles

An alliance that once existed gradually turned to conflict post-2010 because both sides began to fear an erosion in their self-identities as a source of distinctiveness.

Hunger Strikes, Iran and Universal Human Rights

Alison Assiter • Jul 18 2019 • Articles

The notion of a human right, enshrined in the UN Convention, is nonetheless vital in the context of the rise of the far right and the rise of religious fundamentalism.

Wrecking Ball-In-Chief: Trump’s Withdrawals from International Commitments

Holger Janusch • Jul 17 2019 • Articles

Trump’s withdrawal from international agreements raises concerns on the unreliability of democracies in international affairs. These concerns are unwarranted. Here’s why.

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