
George H.W. Bush and International Relations: A World in Motion After the Berlin Wall

Carlos Frederico Pereira da Silva Gama • Jul 14 2019 • Articles

The Bush years were marked by economic competition with rising Asian powers (Japan) and renewed institutional investments in Latin America after re-democratization.

Adding ‘T’ to BRICS: A NATO Ally in Transition

Arslan Ayan • Jul 9 2019 • Articles

Turkey’s increasing aspiration to become a member of the BRICS grouping holds economic, political, and ontological benefits for it, but will a “T” be added to BRICS soon?

Criminals, Kleptocrats, and the NGO

Stephen M. Bland • Jul 7 2019 • Articles

Fewer organizations have polarized opinion as the Open Dialogue Foundation has, given its advocacy on behalf of oligarchs and those accused of committing crimes.

Ebola Response in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Bridge to Peace?

Fawzia Gibson-Fall • Jul 7 2019 • Articles

Current biomedical approaches can benefit from Health as a Bridge to Peace by addressing the political and social dimensions of disease outbreaks in conflict zones.

Facebook’s Libra and the International Politics of Financial Infrastructures

Nick Bernards and Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn • Jul 5 2019 • Articles

Thinking in terms of ‘infrastructures’ invites a helpful degree of caution and scepticism about the scope and pace of technological change.

The Commodified Queer Sublime

Soheil Asefi • Jun 26 2019 • Articles

If the home, the nation, the marketing brand of LGBTQIA are the only potential spaces of belonging, then where is home beyond these spaces?

Improving Democracy for the Future: Why Democracy Can Handle Climate Change

Daniel J. Fiorino • Jun 24 2019 • Articles

The path lies not in suspending democracy but improving it: create better democracies with the capacity for collective action and a commitment to ecological values.

We Unhappy Few: The Conservative Party Leadership Race

Russell Foster • Jun 24 2019 • Articles

Hard Brexit is the likeliest outcome because it is the desire of the Party’s membership. Even if it means the destruction of their party..

The Limits of Soft Power-Sports Diplomacy Templates in IR Research

Nikos Lekakis • Jun 23 2019 • Articles

The sports diplomacy templates fail to provide a meaningful platform for understanding the international impact of mega-sporting event campaigns on a country’s soft power

Ghost’s Gaze: Direwolves, War, and Interspecies Relations in Game of Thrones

Matthew Leep • Jun 20 2019 • Articles

Game of Thrones to IR scholars represents an artistic form of knowledge and a means for fostering new ways of thinking about violence, sovereign power, and gender.

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