
The Virtue of Being Small: An Analysis of Luxembourg’s Defence Strategy

Christian Nikolaus Braun • Mar 20 2020 • Articles

Not only has Luxembourg prospered economically, but is has also been able to maintain its political sovereignty and territorial integrity at a very low cost.

Self-Determination as Resistance: Sahrawi and Palestinian Struggle for the UN

Moara Assis Crivelente • Mar 19 2020 • Articles

Officials and activists interviewed from both Palestine and Western Sahara affirm that despite their commitment to diplomacy, self-determination is non-negotiable.

Colonial Politics of Digital Security Interfaces

Pedro Maia • Mar 17 2020 • Articles

When juxtaposing quantified data, digital territories, data visualization and security they end up reifying and perpetuating colonial practices and imaginaries.

The Rise of Paradiplomacy in International Relations

Mariano Alvarez • Mar 17 2020 • Articles

The rise of paradiplomatic activity, which has been recognized and normalized, should not be seen as a displacement of the state but as its complement within IR.

Revisiting the United Nations and the Micro-State Problem

Archie W. Simpson • Mar 17 2020 • Articles

The micro-state problem emerged in the late 1960s as many newly independent; decolonised micro-states applied to join the UN in order to confirm their sovereign status.

Sustaining Peace and Internal Self-Determination in the UN Perspective

Cristiana Carletti • Mar 17 2020 • Articles

Peace agreement’s hybrid self-determination component demonstrate how international and local actors can impact the establishment post-conflict environment domestically.

Alternative Approaches to Self-Determination Applied to the Cyprus Conflict

Charis van den Berg and Tobias Nowak • Mar 13 2020 • Articles

The UN paradigm has a number of shortcomings and is therefore inadequate to answer modern claims involving self-determination, such as the Cyprus conflict.

The UN as Both Foe and Friend to Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination

Sheryl Lightfoot and David MacDonald • Mar 12 2020 • Articles

The UN, created to uphold the sovereignty of states, has become a vehicle for Indigenous peoples to organise in favour of their rights.

Opinion – Taiwan Could Be to China What Canada Is to the US

Kristian McGuire • Mar 11 2020 • Articles

If Beijing were willing to learn from the American example, it could pave the way to a relationship with Taiwan comparable to that of the US with Canada.

Self-Determination as a Process: The United Nations in South Sudan

Kerstin Tomiak • Mar 10 2020 • Articles

In South Sudan, self-determination was ensured only to have it violated by external powers. These interferences did not help end the conflict; rather they made it worse.

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