
Politics, Poetry and Ezra Pound

Revd David William Parry • Jun 19 2019 • Articles

One of the many ‘luminous details’ ushering Ezra Pound’s admirers behind a politics borne from grief into balladries of transcendence.

The German Way of Securitizing the BDS Movement

Martin Beck • Jun 17 2019 • Articles

Critique of Israeli policy is the expression of a political opinion that targets a state and its policy. It is fundamentally distinct from anti-Semitism as the expression of racism.

Small Island Climate Diplomacy in the Maldives and Beyond

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Jun 16 2019 • Articles

The Maldives’ conference was a milstone initiative of island diplomacy. It drew the ideational framework of SIDS’ leadership in climate politics laying foundations for their island diplomacy.

Capital Mobility and Development Process: The New Political Economy Thoughts

John Windie Ansah • Jun 16 2019 • Articles

Classical political economy perspectives have been limited to the processes with which formal political and economic structures could be seen as central to development.

Sex, Tongue, and International Relations

Manuela Lavinas Picq and Caroline Cottet • Jun 11 2019 • Articles

We must tackle the problem of sexual liberation to show how global narratives assert the existence of diverse sexualities but also impose external arrangements.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases Is a Security Issue

Joshua Busby • Jun 7 2019 • Articles

Climate change isn’t just an environmental or economic problem. It’s also a security problem because of food and water shortages, humanitarian emergencies, and migration.

The Doctrine of Residual Power in Canadian Diplomacy

Bruce Mabley • Jun 4 2019 • Articles

There is an epistemological break between diplomacy and public service. Canadian diplomats who undertook ‘rogue’ actions can find the moral high ground in this break.

From Arms to Ballots: The Politicization of Hezbollah and Hamas

Sarmad Ishfaq • Jun 2 2019 • Articles

Hezbollah and Hamas give credence to how imperative a hierarchical organizational structure, robust leadership, and healthy public support are in terms of politicization.

Papal Dialogue with Islam: A Long Way to Abu Dhabi, a Long Way to Peace

Mariano P. Barbato • Jun 2 2019 • Articles

Papal dialogue with Islam will not solve all problems but the way to Abu Dhabi has had an impact on the public and political constellation of world politics.

Demography, Migration and Security in the Middle East

Addressing the impact of current population patterns on Middle Eastern communities and migration in the region is imperative for achieving security and stability.

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