
Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene

David Chandler • Apr 11 2019 • Articles

The Anthropocene is a deeply intense, material experience: a wild romp of the grotesque and the transgressive, emphasising our shared character of Earthly being.

The Transnational in China’s Foreign Policy: The Case of Sino-Japanese Relations

Casper Wits • Apr 10 2019 • Articles

Relations between the People’s Republic of China and Japan seem to display a plethora of unresolved issues that strain the ties between the two countries.

Evolution of Sino-Japanese Relations: Implications for Northeast Asia and Beyond

Nori Katagiri • Apr 10 2019 • Articles

China and Japan regularly hold bilateral talks and participate in multilateral discussions about regional cooperation, but trust deficits keep the two nations apart.

Getting the Most Out of Class Discussion

Daniel Clausen • Apr 8 2019 • Articles

Good and bad discussions seem to occur at all levels, introductory levels, advanced classes, even graduate classes. For teaching academics, this raises some interesting issues.

Mechanisms Behind Diffusion of Democracy in the Pearl River Delta Region

Gustav Sundqvist • Apr 7 2019 • Articles

Despite their limited resources, promoters of democracy in Hong Kong and Taiwan may still have a democratising impact on some sections of Mainland China’s society.

Chinese Diplomacy in Africa: Constructing the Security-Development Nexus

Ilaria Carrozza • Apr 7 2019 • Articles

China has socialised African leaders into a narrative of South-South cooperation that calls for increased cooperation and legitimises the security-development nexus.

Becoming a ‘Responsible Power’?: China’s New Role During the JCPOA Negotiations

Daniel Johanson • Apr 4 2019 • Articles

When U.N. requirements were not met by Iran, China allowed stricter sanctions to be passed. Each time, China’s goal was to have Iran come back to the negotiating table.

Trajectories of Anticolonialism in Egypt

Sara Salem • Apr 3 2019 • Articles

Understanding the past through how the future was imagined has a lot to tell us about the mechanisms of power in our contemporary post-colonial period.

Pagan Spirituality and Politics

Michael York • Apr 2 2019 • Articles

Spirituality, whether pagan of that of other ecologically-minded religiosities, and populist/competitive politics have an obstacle-strewn and difficult road ahead.

The Post-Khashoggi US-Saudi Relationship and the Limits of a Moral Response

Omar Sedky • Apr 1 2019 • Articles

The U.S – Saudi relationship began in the 1970s and the death of Mr. Khashoggi threatens future cooperation. If HR 7070 is passed, American security assistance would end.

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