
Bipolarity or Hegemony? Latin America’s Dilemma for the 21st Century

Luis L. Schenoni • Feb 24 2019 • Articles

If a bipolarity framework takes hold, conservative foreign policies will pay off in a world with clearer rules but reduced margin of maneuver for Latin America.

The Competing Narratives of Statue Politics

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Feb 24 2019 • Articles

Evidence is manifest that many tens of thousands of Korean women were deceptively recruited or forced into sexual servitude in the years leading up to and throughout WWII.

Introducing ‘Park Statue Politics’

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Feb 21 2019 • Articles

This book explains, critiques, and expands on the narratives regarding the memorials erected in the US to honor female victims of the comfort women system established by the Japanese military from 1937 to 1945.

Only Francis Could Go to Arabia

Robert J. Joustra • Feb 18 2019 • Articles

The Pope’s visit to the United Arab Emirates signals that the Gulf states have much to gain and little to lose from aligning themselves with the West.

Non-State Power: The Case of Hamas

Glen Segell • Feb 18 2019 • Articles

Non-state actors that prioritize control and censorship over openness, would be deficient in soft power projection and success. So they would fall to using sharp power.

Gender Troubled? Three Simple Steps to Avoid Silencing Gender in IR

Ann Towns • Feb 15 2019 • Articles

There are ways to open up space for the inclusion of gender analyses in IR. With some effort, the rote tendency in much of IR to ignore gender can be turned around.

Women Acquitting Themselves Well

Patricia Sohn • Feb 15 2019 • Articles

It seems that no one ever taught Nancy Pelosi that statesman-like or stateswoman-like self-restraint and politesse is incumbent upon one sitting in her position.

A Rationale for Pluralism: The Rural, Remote Peasant

Patricia Sohn • Feb 15 2019 • Articles

Policies that force people to choose between homogenization, fracture, or exclusion are rarely viable. Pluralism (institutional, cultural, social, and economic) offers extended periods of peace.

Internet Democracy in ‘New’ India

Pratick Mallick • Feb 15 2019 • Articles

The internet has given privileges as well as challenges to India which is new in the sense of the economic and according socio-political transformations.

Working with and Supporting Teaching Assistants

Benedict Docherty • Feb 14 2019 • Articles

Working with Teaching Assistants means considering an additional set of issues, but this time is well worth the while.

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