
Why Did the U.S. and Israel Leave UNESCO?

Daniel Marwecki • Feb 14 2019 • Articles

Washington’s exit from UNESCO integrates seamlessly into a longer historical trajectory of engagement with the organization. Israel has little choice but to follow suit.

Turning Point & Padlet: Using Technology in Small Group Teaching

Benedict Docherty • Feb 13 2019 • Articles

Padle and Turning Point are technological tool that help engage small groups in a more interactive way and thus facilitate teaching and learning.

Key Mileposts and Actors in Settling the Comfort Women Impasse

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Feb 10 2019 • Articles

Bilateral relations reached an impasse after the impeachment of Park Geun-hye in 2017, unsettling further progress with Japan.

A Unified Korea: Good for All (Except Japan)

Strobe Driver • Feb 10 2019 • Articles

If the Koreas gain greater harmony they may focus more overtly on Japan’s past deeds and its present ambitions, directly impacting upon Japan’s ‘middle power‘ status.

What IR Can Learn From the Intellectual Historian

Terry Nardin and William Bain • Feb 9 2019 • Articles

The intellectual historian makes an important contribution to IR by taking its practitioners beyond the simple approach to the past that the idea of a canon represents.

J’accuse! The Case for Traditional Capitalism

Patricia Sohn • Feb 9 2019 • Articles

Traditionalism helps to avoid the pitfalls of Old World orthodoxy and New World secularism, which model the world on either a rosy interpretation of paradise or accept it as living hell.

The Geopolitics of the 2018 Parliamentary Elections in Bangladesh

Mubashar Hasan and Arild Engelsen Ruud • Feb 6 2019 • Articles

Human rights, freedom of speech and political equality are likely to remain under pressure even while the West is likely to continue its support for dissents and critics.

The Global South and UN Peace Operations

Thomas G. Weiss and Giovanna Kuele • Feb 3 2019 • Articles

Motivations to contribute troops vary in the Global South. Most seek to polish their international image. Others use UN peacekeeping to reap financial interests.

Evolutionary Economics and the Question of Corporate Power

Matti Ylönen • Jan 31 2019 • Articles

If we want answers to the role of Multinational Enterprises in IR, we need to consider the blurring boundaries between market-based mechanisms and political rule.

Establishing a Comfort Women Memorial in the US or Europe

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Jan 30 2019 • Articles

The US is culpable in this issue because of its use of the comfort women system and because of U.S. forces’ continued use of a prostitution network across Korea and Japan.

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