
Hungary’s Place in German South-East European Policy, 1919–1944

Ignác Romsics • Jan 30 2019 • Articles

The Mittel-Europa idea persisted in German political thought and became a realistic political program after German economic unity in 1871 because of the German state’s political and military power.

Can the Maldives Steer Regional Power Politics?

Athaulla A. Rasheed • Jan 30 2019 • Articles

While the Maldives changing behaviour may be under India’s influence, there is also more to this story considering the Maldives past independent foreign policy stance.

Xi Jinping’s Landmark Speech on Taiwan: A Hedging Strategy

Chunjuan Nancy Wei • Jan 29 2019 • Articles

When US-China relations are better, Taiwan is safer. When bilateral relations deteriorate, Taiwan could be the first victim. Reunification is a Chinese domestic affair.

J’accuse! The Case for Pre-modernism, or, the Rural-urban Divide

Patricia Sohn • Jan 25 2019 • Articles

It is argued that modernization is a bankrupt theory that has caused more harm than good on the human level.

OPEC+ and Beyond: How and Why Oil Prices Are High

Martin Beck • Jan 24 2019 • Articles

Assessments of recent developments in oil prices are problematic as delineations of the effects of market forces often lack sufficient complexity.

Brexit: Can the Commonwealth Fill the Gap?

Peter Clegg • Jan 22 2019 • Articles

Brexit will cause a rupture, but the Commonwealth has a role to play, and with some imagination and boldness can enhance its role further.

The Chimera of Freedom of Religion in Australia: Reactions to the Ruddock Review

Michael Quinlan • Jan 21 2019 • Articles

The latest inquiry into religious freedom in Australia, namely the Ruddock Review, concludes that change in this area is likely to remain a chimera for some time to come.

Hacking Westphalia: ICT Infrastructures, Fake News and Global Politics

Andrea Pavón-Guinea • Jan 21 2019 • Articles

Digital platforms have opened the way for people to connect, debate and gather information; yet they have also increased the spread of fake news.

Technology and Tyranny

Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel • Jan 21 2019 • Articles

The concern with modern technology is that it has the capability of imposing a value system and influencing populations, thus creating an authoritarian environment.

International Relations and the Human: A Commentary

The International itself came about as an outcome of encounter, a world coming together through relations between the West and the rest of the world.

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