
Decolonizing Borders

Liam Midzain-Gobin • Jan 12 2019 • Articles

Borders are effective at constructing an ‘us’ on the inside, which is bound together through a collective narrative to the exclusion of ‘them’ outside.

Aquaman: a New Year Parable In Race and Ethnicity

Patricia Sohn • Jan 12 2019 • Articles

The recent Hollywood adaptation of Aquaman provides an important metaphor for racial conflict, and a timely talking point in modern society.

Unpaid Work and the Governance of GDP Measurement

Daniel DeRock • Jan 11 2019 • Articles

While the international statistical system is a rather non-politicized field, the issue of unpaid labor is a rare example of statistics entering public debate.

Recrafting International Relations through Relationality

International Relations must be reconceptualised to prioritize the relations that constitute units rather than to proceed from the assumption that units are self-evident.

Contesting Impunity in Colombia

Laura Betancur-Restrepo and Maj Grasten • Jan 1 2019 • Articles

Impunity has been key to determining the Colombian peace process. The question remains whose perception of impunity in the context of negotiated peace will prevail?

The ‘China Factor’ in India’s Maritime Engagement with Southeast Asia

Chietigj Bajpaee • Jan 1 2019 • Articles

China and India’s rise as major naval powers does not preclude the possibility of both developing a more cooperative dynamic in protecting the maritime ‘global commons’.

Public Diplomacy: China’s Newest Charm Offensive

Tony Tai-Ting Liu • Dec 30 2018 • Articles

Though much remains uncertain due to China’s unique political system, trust remains a crucial ingredient for the success of its various endeavours abroad and ultimately, its public diplomacy.

Steps Toward Redress for Comfort Women

Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay • Dec 30 2018 • Articles

For decades, the comfort women remained in the shadows because of the deep shame and guilt that they felt as a result of their experiences at the hands of Imperial Japan during the Second World War.

Looking Back at 2011

Sujay Ghosh • Dec 28 2018 • Articles

2011 is a moment in history which encapsulated the impulse for achieving democracy yet a review of subsequent events show democratisation is an extremely complex process.

Peace Journalism in Theory and Practice

Silvia De Michelis • Dec 23 2018 • Articles

Peace journalism is a valid attempt for stripping war journalism from its deeply embedded bias that considers militarism as the most effective remedy to conflict.

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