
Soviet Foreign Policy in the Early 1980s: A View from Chinese Sovietology

Jie Li • Dec 7 2018 • Articles

Chinese Soviet-watchers did not present many vicissitudes of Soviet international manoeuvres; instead, they attempted to adjust their analyses to align with China’s vision of itself and the world.

Courts: The Quagmire

Patricia Sohn • Nov 30 2018 • Articles

The Bar Associations have substantively failed to regulate their own people, contributing to a decrease in public trust in the judicial system at large.

War and Identity: The Path to Trump and Beyond

Richard W. Coughlin • Nov 30 2018 • Articles

What we need … is a critique of neoliberalism that builds a progressive alliance … and moves us beyond the parameters of our deeply embedded national identity

Humanitarian Intervention: Alive and Kicking

Phil Cole • Nov 29 2018 • Articles

When it comes to military action to prevent mass atrocity crimes, it seems that key players in international politics have abandoned the Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

The EU and the Middle East: From the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership to the Union for the Mediterranean

Stefanie Georgakis Abbott • Nov 28 2018 • Articles

Many European states have long and complex histories with the Middle East and North Africa. Today, it is clearly in the EU’s best interest to have a safe and secure MENA region.

The EU and the Middle East: The European Neighbourhood Policy

Yannis Stivachtis • Nov 26 2018 • Articles

The EU should abolish neocolonial attitudes and become more open to the perceptions and viewpoints of its neighbors and cultivate a relationship of mutual respect and equal partnership.

The United Nations and Middle Eastern Security

Allison Miller • Nov 25 2018 • Articles

With the presence of ISIS winding down, the war in Yemen, increasing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians and other regional issues the UN is able to fill the role of a moderating third party.

Hegemonic Aspirations and Middle East Discord: The Case of Iran

Ali G. Dizboni and Sofwat Omar • Nov 25 2018 • Articles

Iran plays a major role in regional issues and will continue to do so in order to protect or uphold the safety and security of the Shia Crescent. It is increasingly becoming the regional hegemon.

Russian Foreign Policy in the Middle East under Putin: Can Bears Walk in the Desert?

Spyridon N. Litsas • Nov 23 2018 • Articles

Putin saw volatility in the Middle East as an opportunity to expand Russian influence whilst keeping the gaze of the West away from regions with greater strategic importance to Russia.

China in the Post-Hegemonic Middle East: A Wary Dragon?

Xi Chen • Nov 22 2018 • Articles

China’s friendly relations with the governments of the Middle East, its rising influence, and its more assertive foreign policy look set to combine to enable it to play a more substantial role in the region.

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