
Papal Dialogue with Islam: A Long Way to Abu Dhabi, a Long Way to Peace

Mariano P. Barbato • Jun 2 2019 • Articles

Papal dialogue with Islam will not solve all problems but the way to Abu Dhabi has had an impact on the public and political constellation of world politics.

Demography, Migration and Security in the Middle East

Addressing the impact of current population patterns on Middle Eastern communities and migration in the region is imperative for achieving security and stability.

Violent Non-State Actors in the Middle East: Origins and Goals

Christopher P Dallas-Feeney • May 28 2019 • Articles

Violent Non-State Actors are formidable challengers of the legitimacy and security of the existing state system in the Middle East and to those who govern those states.

The Days of May (Again): What Happens to Brexit Now?

Russell Foster • May 27 2019 • Articles

To snuff out Nigel Farage a second time, the Conservatives will almost certainly elect Boris Johnson, and he will push for a No Deal exit.

Theory Synthesis in Sport and International Relations Research

Nikos Lekakis • May 26 2019 • Articles

An inadequate embodiment of IR paradigms exists in contemporary ‘sport & IR’ research as soft power, although highly influential, remains theoretically simplistic.

The Impact of Omar Bashir’s Overthrow on Peace in South Sudan

Matthew LeRiche • May 26 2019 • Articles

The revolution in Sudan does not seem to have any radical effect on the South Sudan peace process, however, political dynamics suggest it will be negatively impacted.

Geography, Resources and the Geopolitics of Middle East Conflicts

Dina Rashed • May 24 2019 • Articles

Many have claimed the failure of states as a result of the uprisings and how they have led to destruction, yet overlook the role of states in creating these militias.

Science, Technology and Security in the Middle East

Yannis Stivachtis • May 23 2019 • Articles

The technological dependence of Arab countries has enhanced their vulnerability to outside interference and reduced their internal, national integration.

Remembering D-Day: Questioning How We Compartmentalize War

Colin Flint • May 22 2019 • Articles

The Mulberry Harbours were more than physical bridges. Historically they spanned a transition from 19th century British geopolitics to 20th century US geopolitics.

Freedom of Speech and Pure Science in the Digital Holocene

Patricia Sohn and Jonathan Miniello • May 22 2019 • Articles

In political science we are meant to be a source of reliable information. We should not confuse our efforts at scientific discovery with the needs of politicians, pundits, or policy makers.

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