
Technology and Tyranny: Social Media and the End of the Liberal World Order

Jean-Marie Chenou • Nov 22 2018 • Articles

Social media are used by authoritarian regimes and tyrants – and as instruments of resistance. In both cases, they participate in the redefinition of the world order.

The ‘Forgotten Double’: Reflections at a Johannesburg War Memorial

Peter Vale • Nov 19 2018 • Articles

Experiences of ‘the international’ include folklore, legend, and oral history – places where IR is unable to go because of its preoccupation with rationality and order. It is time this cloak is removed.

Notes from Airstrip One

Patrick Bijsmans and Russell Foster • Nov 17 2018 • Articles

Acknowledgment of three options for Britain may appear victorious for remainers but having a “Remain” option is destined to fail everyone – except the far right.

What Is Nationalism? A Nation? A Nationalist?

Patricia Sohn • Nov 16 2018 • Articles

In principle, the nation-state is an institutional means precisely to democratize the international system.

Norms, Norm Violations, and IR Theory

Scott N. Romaniuk and Francis Grice • Nov 15 2018 • Articles

With the shift from a unipolar world to a multipolar one, understanding the interactions between strong powers and norms, norm violations, and norm shifts is important.

Norm Evolution Theory and World Politics

Scott N. Romaniuk and Francis Grice • Nov 15 2018 • Articles

Despite many years of focus on this topic, scholars have not yet come to a complete understanding of how or why norms emerge and evolve or change over time.

Brazil and the United States: Will President Bolsonaro Bandwagon?

Matias Spektor and Guilherme Fasolin • Nov 15 2018 • Articles

It is not unconceivable that Bolsonaro will soon find himself in a position of needing all the help he can get – including that which may come from the United States.

United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East after the Cold War

Jonathan Cristol • Nov 14 2018 • Articles

30 years of interventions and more than 17 years of war has left both America and the Middle East with countless unresolved, and perhaps unresolvable, problems.

Brazilian Foreign Policy under President Bolsonaro: What Should We Expect?

Paulo Afonso Velasco Junior • Nov 14 2018 • Articles

Brazil is seemingly seeking a greater international presence with Bolsonaro, probably reviewing many of the guidelines that prevailed in the 2000s.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Ukrainian Church Crisis

Ilias Kouskouvelis and Pavlos Serafeim • Nov 14 2018 • Articles

In the Orthodox ecclesiastical world, the issue of an Ukrainian autocephalous church has emerged. Now, the question is how this crisis is going to escalate.

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