
The Challenges to Middle Eastern International Society: A Study in Disorder

Onur Erpul • Nov 11 2018 • Articles

The Middle East is in a state of flux in which power politics and threats narrow states’ security interests to within their borders, which hampers the effective functioning of a regional society.

Conflicts and Crisis in the Cameroon Anglophone Region

Fonkem Achankeng I • Nov 11 2018 • Articles

In view of the flaws of the decolonization of Cameroon, will Western powers continue to turn a blind eye on the fratricidal war in the Cameroon Anglophone region? 

Brexit and the 2019 European Elections

Patrick Bijsmans • Nov 9 2018 • Articles

2019 European elections may finally get to see the polarised debate between pro-European & Eurosceptic politicians, mostly only framed as such in mediated public debate.

The Emerging Politics of Geoengineering

Ina Moller • Nov 7 2018 • Articles

Geoengineering is still an idea under investigation, but an idea with potentially major consequences on political behavior and decision making.

Contesting American Power: Beijing’s Challenge in South China Sea Disputes

Salvador Santino Fulo Regilme Jr. • Nov 7 2018 • Articles

Chinese militarization of the South China Sea region reflects Beijing’s new found resolve and confidence in undermining American power.

China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean: Ten Years After

Despite the geographical distance among China, Taiwan and Latin American countries, the Cross-Strait dispute could have deep implications in the geopolitical arena.

Norm Contestation, Political Assassinations, and Targeted Killings

Scott N. Romaniuk and Francis Grice • Nov 5 2018 • Articles

While democratic or liberal-democratic states have championed positive norms, they have also taken-up targeted killings which defy long-established conventions.

The Theatre of Politics: Politics as Oscar Broadway

Patricia Sohn • Nov 2 2018 • Articles

Politics is compared to theatre due to the growing trend of passion play; a trend which is argued does not contribute positively to coexistence or commonality.

Future of Popular Geopolitics: Croatia, Affective Nationalism and the World Cup

MašaKolanović • Oct 30 2018 • Articles

In looking at popular geopolitics as a kind of “post-language”, we can use sport as a metaphor of national identity.

Announcing the 2018 Article Award Winner

E-International Relations • Oct 30 2018 • Articles

Madison Cartwright is the winner of the 2018 E-IR Article Award. Madison will receive $1000 in book tokens from Routledge, I.B. Tauris, Zed, and Hurst Publishers.

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