
The US Family Separation Crisis and the Gendered Violence of Deterrence

Meghana Nayak • Oct 27 2018 • Articles

At this critical moment, there is need for comprehensive research to examine and challenge the racialized and gendered violence of migration deterrence.

Saving Grace or Achilles Heel? The Odd Relationship Between Nuclear Weapons and Neo-Realism

Adam P. MacDonald • Oct 25 2018 • Articles

Its time for Neo-Realists to quit using nuclear weapons as anomaly fixers, even if this necessities a fundamental reworking of their basic principles.

Exhuming Norms: Comparing Investigations of Forced Disappearances

Tamara Hinan • Oct 24 2018 • Articles

The norm theories from International Relations fail to account for the differences in interpretation and implementation of the norms surrounding forced disappearance.

Option WTO to Assist Nuclear Nonproliferation – With Minuses and Pluses

Ece Aksop • Oct 24 2018 • Articles

A hard question like proliferation will be settled in a soft environment. De-securitization is possible so long as we are ready to shift our approach to nuclear issues.

The Changing Nature of African Conflicts: Regional Electoral Insecurity

Africas’ insecurity has been seen largely in the form of coups, genocides, ethnic cleansing, xenophobia, and lately rampant of all is electoral insecurity.

Understanding Decentralization in Mozambique with a Ziblatt-Mann Framework

Coline Ferrant • Oct 23 2018 • Articles

The Ziblatt-Mann framework proves helpful when the Mozambican central state becomes institutionalized by negotiating in a clientelist way with traditional authorities.

Differently Neutral: The Complex Relation among States, the Red Cross and NGOs

Alessandro Fabbri • Oct 22 2018 • Articles

Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders need to organize a public debate, to bridge their ethical differences and to reach a durable agreement.

Defining Post-truth: Structures, Agents, and Styles

Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen • Oct 22 2018 • Articles

Factual truth has a limited but indispensable role to play in pluralistic politics, comparable to material environment that both enables and limits democratic debate.

Undoing Sovereignty/Identity, Queering the ‘International’: The Politics of Law

Po-Han Lee • Oct 22 2018 • Articles

For the rights of human race in the field of IR, the ‘international’ needs to be deconstructed and reordered in a non-state centric and non-heteronormative manner.

International Travel Is a Risky Business: Research, Study, & Proselytizing

Patricia Sohn • Oct 21 2018 • Articles

When travelling abroad, there are typically no rights to protest nor to challenge or undermine laws in a foreign national context.

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