
Settler Colonialism and Financial Exclusion of Banks in the English Caribbean

Tamanisha J. John • Oct 20 2018 • Articles

To cement the notions of African and Indian inferiority to whiteness, their lack of credit worthiness and inability to manage local banks, were used as proof. 

Transitional Justice in Tunisia: Any Role for Islam?

Elham Kazemi • Oct 19 2018 • Articles

The legacy of strict state control of religion combined with the violent crackdown on Islamic movements impacted the politics of state building after the revolution.

Rethinking World Systems Theory and Hegemony: Towards a Marxist-Realist Synthesis

Madison Cartwright • Oct 18 2018 • Articles

Realist and Marxist theories analyse the international economy as one of hierarchies that territorially partition the world and concentrate economic wealth within states.

Cold War Theories, War on Terror Practices

Edwin Daniel Jacob • Oct 18 2018 • Articles

Old reference points no longer hold in an age marked by transnational security threats that do not align with traditional security frameworks.

Non-Refoulement Obligations in Offshore Detention Facilities

Jenny Poon • Oct 16 2018 • Articles

Cooperation with third States where refugees are sent to be detained in offshore detention facilities would lead to a violation of non-refoulement indirectly.

International Relations Theory and the ‘Islamic State’

S. Yaqub Ibrahimi • Oct 15 2018 • Articles

Integrating the root causes of the formation of IS in a systematic framework gives an inclusive and representative image of the formation of this organization.

Social Media Europe and the Rise of Comedy in Global Diplomacy

James Brasset and Christopher Browning • Oct 14 2018 • Articles

As the EU seeks to rebuild its public image in terms that millennials understand, it cannot laugh away the hierarchical power relations that pushed it to this point.

With Great Power Comes Great Climate Responsibility

Sanna Kopra • Oct 12 2018 • Articles

Great powers are assessed with regard to their response and responsibility to limit the negative impact of climate change.

Globalism, Regionalism and the Middle East

Ayşegül Sever • Oct 12 2018 • Articles

The Middle East is still not a region easily associated with cooperation or integration and is undoubtedly one of the most volatile zones in the world, dominated by crises, conflicts, and wars.

Naval Powers: European Landscape Re-shuffled

Eric Thompson • Oct 7 2018 • Articles

After a record amount of peace-time, several historical naval powers have drifted away from military preparedness putting European security at stake.

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