
Why People Need the Dark Web

Ross Bellaby • Oct 7 2018 • Articles

In developed societies, almost every aspect of life is becoming digitised, facilitating social and commercial interactions in ways previously unseen.

Conflict and Diplomacy in the Middle East

Yannis Stivachtis • Oct 4 2018 • Articles

Due to its geopolitical importance, any conflict in the Middle East has the potential not only for destabilizing the region as a whole or upsetting the regional balance of power but also affecting global stability.

The Future of Popular Geopolitics: Zombie Evolution and the Return to the Social

Shannon Brincat and Roxanne Chaitowitz • Oct 4 2018 • Articles

The zombie performs a radical function in our thinking by exposing – albeit hyperbolically – the very real limits of contemporary capitalism.

How RT (Russia Today) Navigates ‘Us’ and ‘Them’

Precious N Chatterje-Doody • Oct 3 2018 • Articles

RT is often portrayed as a ‘fake news’ network. Yet, if its outputs were restricted to blatant propaganda, it would struggle to maintain the modest audiences it does.

The Responsibility to Protect Has Turned into a Strategic Mistake

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • Oct 1 2018 • Articles

R2P has become a strategic conundrum that is being abused by powerful nations to further their own self-interest while it could become a drain on other economies.

Fiction, Film & Empiricism: Comparative Politics as Action and Adventure

Patricia Sohn • Sep 29 2018 • Articles

Works of art in novels, classic travelogues, and film have a strong, evocative power for students of comparative politics.

The Future of Popular Geopolitics: Mega-Shark Cinematic Diplomacy

Chris Homewood • Sep 21 2018 • Articles

Amidst rising tensions, Hollywood films such as The Meg present an idealized image of harmony between the U.S. and China.

The UK Modern Slavery Act: Transparency through Disclosure in Global Governance

Michael Bloomfield and Genevieve LeBaron • Sep 21 2018 • Articles

It is to be expected that strengthening the Modern Slavery Act will take place in fits and starts, mostly when worker exploitation is in the spotlight.

The Day after Tomorrow: The EU and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Victor Gigleux • Sep 18 2018 • Articles

The EU should lead a multi-dimensional diplomacy to rebuild trust and secure the participation of the original signatories on the basis of a more comprehensive agreement.

Zimbabwe Elections: The Local and Regional Implications

Thomas Otieno Juma • Sep 18 2018 • Articles

Zimbabwe’s recent elections portray the yearnings of the citizenry to depart from the 37 years of misrule that resulted into political and economic disorder.

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