
Plotting the Future of Popular Geopolitics: An Introduction

Robert A. Saunders and Vlad Strukov • Sep 16 2018 • Articles

This blog entry serves as the first in a series where contributors will assess the current subfield of popular geopolitics while also plotting its trajectories.

For Putin, Confrontation with the West Is About More than Just Geopolitics

Björn Alexander Düben • Sep 13 2018 • Articles

The confrontation with the West and the cultivation of a siege mentality at home has been the most effective means left at Putin’s disposal for consolidating his power.

Ukrainian and European Populism: Different but Also Very Similar

Taras Kuzio • Sep 10 2018 • Articles

In 2019, Ukrainian voters will be given the choice between voting for the current political forces or the populist alternative. Everyone will be closely watching.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Harvey M. Sapolsky • Sep 9 2018 • Articles

European Allies must decide whether or not to honor America as a global intervener by naming the new NATO headquarters building after John McCain.

Empathy and Othering: Framing Syria’s Refugee Crisis in the British Press

Nicola Langdon • Sep 6 2018 • Articles

A cosmopolitan framing helps us to perceive this as an issue for global humanity that we are all responsible for, and compels us to assist in the mitigation of suffering.

Recognition in Global Politics: The Challenge of Images and Technology

Constance Duncombe • Sep 5 2018 • Articles

While the role of recognition in world politics is ever more acknowledged, the technological and visual aspect of this process requires much greater consideration.

Conflict and Migration in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon

Kamel Doraï • Sep 4 2018 • Articles

The Syrian crisis has transformed Middle Eastern migration. New refugee camps has given a new dimension to the debate on the forms of refugee settlement.

From Narratives to Perceptions in the Securitisation of the Migratory Crisis in Europe

Susana Ferreira • Sep 3 2018 • Articles

The current migratory crisis has highlighted the handicaps of the EU’s common immigration, border and asylum policies and their growing securitisation.

Exposing the Universality of Human Rights as a False Premise

Emma Larking • Sep 2 2018 • Articles

In order to promote mobilisations clarity is necessary about the role currently played by human rights instruments in upholding an outdated conception of sovereignty.

Forced Migration and Security Threats to Syrian Refugee Women

Özlem Özdemir • Sep 1 2018 • Articles

When refugee women are empowered economically, socially and politically, they will have the ability to play a key role in preventing the spread of violence.

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