
Border Crossings: Our Criminals, Their Criminals, and “Good Fences”

Patricia Sohn • Sep 1 2018 • Articles

Not all borders are the same. But they all share one thing in common: people will cross them illegally if they can – if only for the fun of it.

The Venezuelan Crisis Spills Over Into a Small Island – Trinidad and Tobago

Faies Jafar • Aug 31 2018 • Articles

The overwhelming influx of Venezuelan migrants and refugees regionally has spilled over to small island states in the Caribbean including Trinidad and Tobago.

Trump’s Trade War: US Geoeconomics from Multi- to Unilateralism

Elisabeth Winter • Aug 31 2018 • Articles

Donald Trump has no problem to revoke partnerships. Hence, his strategy may actually end up being right: for the United States, trade wars are good, and easy to win.

The Dangers of Parochialism in International Relations

Karen Smith • Aug 30 2018 • Articles

If our aim is to build a more inclusive discipline, we should be cautious of outrightly rejecting existing knowledge without critically engaging with it.

Observations on Migration in the Twenty-First Century: Where to from Here?

Migration is trapped in the triangle between controversial scholarly, popular and political debate, with decisions directly affecting the lives of thousands.

The Cultural ‘Therapeutics’ of Sovereignty in the Context of Forced Migration

Amadu Khan • Aug 29 2018 • Articles

State therapeutic apparatuses are based on a false premise that immigrants are incapable of acquiring the behaviours, language and cultural values of the host country.

Peace-in-difference: A Phenomenological Approach

Hartmut Behr • Aug 28 2018 • Articles

‘Phenomenology’ helps us to conceive of difference in a non-hierarchical way, to rethink peace, and to perceive difference as a positive force.

Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Quraysha Ismail Sooliman • Aug 28 2018 • Articles

The systematic oppression and domination of the Palestinian people in Israel in conjunction with the nation-state law affirms Israel as an apartheid and racist state.

Containment Practices of Immobility in Greece

Andriani Fili • Aug 27 2018 • Articles

The narratives of crises, which have been employed since 2009, only grant moral legitimacy to Greece’s continued political, legal, and financial margin within Europe.

Solidarity Beyond the State in Europe’s Common European Asylum System

Valsamis Mitsilegas • Aug 27 2018 • Articles

The development of Europe’s Common Asylum System has been based on a concept of solidarity which is predominantly state-centred. This approach has not served the EU well.

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