
Australia’s Extraterritorial Asylum Policies and the Making of Transit Sites

Sally Clark • Aug 24 2018 • Articles

Despite the brevity of human rights legislation states are now implementing pre-emptive measures that effectively neutralise their obligations.

Brexit and UK HEIs

Alex de Ruyter and Vangelis Tsiligiris • Aug 22 2018 • Articles

Brexit poses issues for UK HEIs, but these need to be contextualised amidst wider changes facing the sector in mature industrialised economies such as the UK.

European Union Migration Law and Policy

Benjamin Hulme and Dora Kostakopoulou • Aug 22 2018 • Articles

Future developments in the asylum policy will rely on the EU being able to reconcile the often opposing interests at play in such a politically-sensitive area.

A Bit of Bedouin Perspective on World Politics Today

Patricia Sohn • Aug 22 2018 • Articles

The film ‘Sand Storm’ sparks greater questions regarding modernity and whether it really requires the destruction of alternative ways of life.

The United States’ “Withdrawal” from the Iran Nuclear Deal

Daniel H. Joyner • Aug 21 2018 • Articles

The Iran nuclear deal is a novel solution to a problem in international relations with the potential to lead to war. The US had no basis for its decision to abandon it.

Solidarities in Migration

Anitta Kynsilehto • Aug 20 2018 • Articles

Solidarity ties form and sometimes dissolve with new information and new urgencies. Every encounter counts. Everyone is needed.

Legal Responses to the EU Migrant Crisis: Too Little, Too Late?

Jenny Poon • Aug 19 2018 • Articles

To properly safeguard the rights of asylum claimants and refugees, regional courts should play a larger role in the adjudication of asylum decisions.

Colombia’s New Presidency and the Protection of Social Leaders

Jan Boesten and Annette Idler • Aug 18 2018 • Articles

The government can benefit from civil society’s expertise and give them a central role in the process of bringing institutionality to Colombia’s marginalized regions.

The Political Centrality of the Migrant

Thomas Nail • Aug 17 2018 • Articles

Political theory in the 21st century is at a crossroads where migration has reached such a critical threshold that what seemed to be an exception has now become the rule.

Third Cinema and Social Science

Seth Cantey • Aug 17 2018 • Articles

Film depictions of terrorism and processes of radicalization, particularly in Third Cinema, can be used to generate research questions that might otherwise go unasked. 

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