
China’s Protracted Securitization of Xinjiang: Origins of a Surveillance State

Pablo Rodríguez-Merino • Aug 15 2018 • Articles

China’s leadership stepped up repression in Xinjiang by securitzing the Uyghur minority’s religion in a post-9/11 security climate dominated by the war against terror.

Engaging Iran

Ghoncheh Tazmini • Aug 14 2018 • Articles

Support for Iranian reform without threats of regime overthrow would bring greater convergence with Iran and the outside world and address the shortcomings of post-revolutionary Iranian society.

Scopic Regimes, Drones, and the Visual Turn in International Relations

Kyle Grayson and Jocelyn Mawdsley • Aug 13 2018 • Articles

The discipline of international relations needs to better engage with different ways of seeing, particularly those arising outside of western traditions.

Introducing Critical Perspectives on Migration

Thousands of people risk their lives daily by crossing borders in search of a better life. During 2015, over one million of these people arrived in Europe.

Building Trust in NGOs

Vincent Keating and Erla Thrandardottir • Aug 10 2018 • Articles

Focusing on authenticity and values will not work if NGOs continue to have scandals. There is always a measure of observation and reflection involved in perceptions of trustworthiness.

Problems with the Reintegration of Afghan Refugees

Grant Farr • Aug 10 2018 • Articles

Afghanistan’s returning refugees are creating new problems as many are landless and therefore crowd the major cities, especially Kabul.

An International Relations Perspective on the Iran Nuclear Deal

Martin Beck • Aug 8 2018 • Articles

The deal problematically upheld the image of Iran going nuclear as a horror scenario to be prevented, cementing the securitization of Iran’s case without re-politicizing Israel’s nuclear status.

Hybrid Warfare and the Role Civilians Play

Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv • Aug 2 2018 • Articles

The intent to destabilize and weaken a state or community with persistent, non-military-based attacks is changing the ways in which war is understood.

Colombia’s New Presidency: Peace as Business (as Usual)

Manuela Trindade Viana • Jul 31 2018 • Articles

As armed conflict created the conditions for the boom of the Colombian agrobusiness, peacemaking has offered the stabilizing conditions for business to prosper.

A Tale of Silent Security in Little Mogadishu

Margaret Monyani • Jul 27 2018 • Articles

Securitizing migration, the Kenyan state creates silent security by allowing influential voices to link Somali refugees within its borders to terrorist networks.

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