
Trump and Trade: The End of Multilateral Trade Governance?

Madison Cartwright • Jul 26 2018 • Articles

Contradictory US interests, domestic views on trade, and industry preferences will remain after Trump leaves office, which bodes ill for international trade governance.

Popular Culture Matters: Defining ‘Politics’ in Popular Culture & World Politics

William Clapton • Jul 26 2018 • Articles

The ‘Politics’ in PCWP remains limited and narrowly understood, even as the sites at which it is located expand.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Mantra: ‘Whoever Pays For It!’

Mohsen Solhdoost • Jul 24 2018 • Articles

Key strands of Trump’s specific vision to make foreign policy have been fundamentally undermining the American-led liberal world order.

Authoritarian Reformism in Saudi Arabia

Ben Rich • Jul 23 2018 • Articles

With Vision 2030, the Saudi administration emulates previous successes in a renegotiation of the social contract within the Kingdom that preserves authoritarian rule.

Global Histories in International Relations

As students of International Relations are historicizing the international, historians have opened up their discipline to international and global circuits.

The Importance of Media Literacy in the Classroom

Dillon Tatum • Jul 21 2018 • Articles

If we want students to learn about the world, how it works, how structures and processes are connected, this requires students to engage with news media.

Peace under Siege? Ivan Duque’s Election and the FARC

Diogo Monteiro Dario • Jul 19 2018 • Articles

It will be difficult for Ivan Duque to attack transitional justice and the political participation of the FARC, as those issues are more solidly consolidated into law.

A Revolution is Brewing in Iran but What Comes Next?

Ramesh Sepehrrad • Jul 17 2018 • Articles

The MEK exemplify a rare oppositional force in Iranian history, one that is worthy of curiosity by those serious to understand the Iranian affairs.

Saudi-Iranian Relations after the Rise of Mohammad Bin Salman

Simon Mabon • Jul 17 2018 • Articles

Whilst Saudi Arabia is experiencing existential transformations in political and social life, the Middle East faces an increasingly precarious period.

Orphanage Trafficking and the Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Kathryn (Kate) E. van Doore and Rebecca Nhep • Jul 13 2018 • Articles

Australia’s decision to include orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery will set a global precedent for countries with children in institutional care.

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