
Venezuelans in Brazil: Challenges of Protection

Brazil should look into its international commitments and national to find ways to better protect the Venezuelans that have come to its territory seeking protection.

American Foreign Aid and Colombia’s Human Rights Tragedy

Salvador Santino Fulo Regilme Jr. • Jul 12 2018 • Articles

US foreign aid and policy discourses under the Bush administration facilitated the abuses that occurred in the context of Colombia’s post-9/11 war on drugs.

Pushing the Boundaries of Soft Power: The Controversial Chinese Case

Daniele Carminati • Jul 11 2018 • Articles

When dealing with such a prominent and complex power as China, discussing and generalizing about its conduct may raise more questions than it answers.

Parliamentary Diplomacy as ‘Track 1 1/2 Diplomacy’ in Conflict Resolution

Thomas Goumenos • Jul 11 2018 • Articles

Parliamentary diplomacy in conflict resolution can be conceived as a form of track1 1/2 diplomacy, as it is in the position to combine official and unofficial diplomacy.

Saudi Arabia’s ‘Vision 2030’: Will It Save Or Sink the Middle East?

Mohammed Nuruzzaman • Jul 10 2018 • Articles

‘Vision 2030’ is a Janus-faced transformational program. It is poised to mildly or hardly shake up the Middle East, whether it fails or succeeds.

Women in UN Peacekeeping: Historical and Contemporary Patterns

BD Mowell • Jul 10 2018 • Articles

As the inclusion of women among peacekeeping elements continues to expand, hopefully future research into the phenomenon will continue to emerge.

European Defence at a Crossroads

Robert Clark • Jun 29 2018 • Articles

The recent emergence of the EU as a regional defence actor is gradually eroding the notion of the traditional Anglo-American driven European defence leadership of NATO.

Elections in Colombia: Return of Uribism and Uncertainty of the Peace Process

Edgar Andrés Londoño Niño • Jun 28 2018 • Articles

With the right recovering strength, and Uribe being one of the most powerful Colombian politicians governability is guaranteed, but the power will be concentrated.

Understanding the Venezuelan Displacement Crisis

Luisa Feline Freier • Jun 28 2018 • Articles

Latin American governments should see the Venezuelan exodus as an opportunity. Venezuelan refugees can contribute to the development of countries across the region.

Russia-West-Ukraine: Triangle of Competition 1991–2013

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 26 2018 • Articles

Russia’s desire to limit Ukraine’s independence and to retake control of Crimea did not emerge during the Putin era. Rather they were there from the very beginning.

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