
Annexation and Hybrid Warfare in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 25 2018 • Articles

The conflict in Ukraine will remain difficult to solve because Russia’s goals are contradictory to Ukraine’s and the West’s norms.

Europe’s Barbwire Fences: Reflections on Reporting the Refugee Crisis in Greece

Marianna Karakoulaki • Jun 24 2018 • Articles

The failure of states to protect refugees amounts to their failure to discontinue the violence created by borders. This is where a no borders politics comes as an answer.

Towards a New Cold War?

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 23 2018 • Articles

Russia’s position requires that the West acquiesce to a Russian ‘sphere of influence’. In the EU, sensitivities about a ‘new Yalta’ will make that hard to accept.

Welcome (Back) To the Ivory Tower

Dillon Tatum • Jun 22 2018 • Articles

Ivory Tower is for IR instructors to create dialogue, provide support, and further the enterprise of IR through advice and reflection on teaching, research, and service.

Eurocentrism and the Construction of the ‘Non-West’

Zeynep Gülşah Çapan • Jun 19 2018 • Articles

The rearticulations of spatio-temporal hierarchies that temporarily situate Europe ahead of everyone enables the reproduction of Eurocentrism as a system of knowledge.

Megachurches and the Living Dead: Intersections of Religion & Politics in Korea

John A. Rees • Jun 18 2018 • Articles

The prospect of political change in the North coincides with the potential for religious change in the South, producing a complex and fascinating set of scenarios.

The Soviet Origins of Russian Hybrid Warfare

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 17 2018 • Articles

Understanding the long-term continuity underlying Russian hybrid operations is important as it shows that 2014 was not an improvised response to a temporary challenge.

The Causes and Consequences of Russia’s Actions towards Ukraine

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 16 2018 • Articles

Scholars writing about the Russia-Ukraine conflict face a choice in perspectives that is likely to lead them to being criticised no matter what they do.

The Survival of the US–Japan, US–ROK Alliance under a Potential Peace Treaty

Kentaro Sakamoto and Yaechan Lee • Jun 16 2018 • Articles

With potential talks of a peace treaty going on among the US, South Korea, North Korea and China, the future of the US–Japan, US–ROK alliance seems to be at stake.

Ukraine and the Russian Challenge to the European Order

Taras Kuzio and Paul D’Anieri • Jun 13 2018 • Articles

Russia’s actions in 2014 were not just a response specific events such as NATO enlargement, EU policy, democracy promotion or revolution in Ukraine.

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