
Beyond the Twilight of the Westphalian Myth

Mohamed M’Hadhbi • Dec 19 2023 • Articles

The history of international relations since 1945 is one of an accumulation of existential threats menacing to destroy life on earth, including the so-called anarchical system.

The Twitter Prisoner Dilemma and the Future of Digital Diplomacy

Corneliu Bjola, Ilan Manor and Bar Fishman • Dec 16 2023 • Articles

The Twitter dilemma may represent the opening salvo of a digital cold war between states and big tech companies.

Tech-Diplomacy: High-Tech Driven Rhetoric to Shape National Reputation

Itzhak Mashiah • Dec 16 2023 • Articles

High-tech and innovation rhetoric is pivotal in international discourse, illuminating how nations need to strategically leverage these themes for diplomatic purposes.

Ambivalence on Ukraine’s ‘De-Communisation’ Process

Martin Duffy • Dec 14 2023 • Articles

In December another Communist symbol in Kyiv toppled, but modern Ukraine has inherited a dark history that is less easy to remedy.

Opinion – Javier Milei’s New Social Contract for Argentina

Nico Maffey • Dec 12 2023 • Articles

Argentina is inviting the world to witness an experiment over whether libertarianism can serve as the lifeline for a nation grappling with the depths of economic catastrophe.

Pluriversal Technologies: Innovation Inspired by Indigenous Worldviews

Pluriversal technologies seek solutions for contemporary crises that draw on all human and more-than-human knowledge.

Opinion – Reducing Nuclear Fears to Negotiate a Winning Peace in Ukraine

Paul Alexander • Dec 12 2023 • Articles

Experts now routinely admit what few dared a year ago, Western weapons have been enough for Ukraine neither to lose or win.

Iraqi Kurdistan and the Failure of Capitalizing Kurdish-Israeli Relations

Farhang Faraydoon Namdar • Dec 11 2023 • Articles

While Kurdish-Israeli relations have benefited the Bashuris, internal divisions have hindered them from fully capitalizing on such ties.

Opinion – The Effect of Germany’s Zeitenwende on Exports and Soft Power

Alex Braun • Dec 10 2023 • Articles

A country proud of its commitment to progressive social values must decide how to assert its strength in more tenacious ways than simply by maintaining a hyper-surplus in its trade balance.

Opinion – The Israel/Hamas War and ‘Decolonial Washing’

David Chandler • Dec 7 2023 • Articles

Coloniality is so baked into Western state powers and institutions that attempts to take ‘short cuts’ through making ‘decolonial’ claims and statements can easily feed into existing hierarchies.

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