
Britain’s Modern Slavery Act: Flies in the Ointment

Gary Craig • Jun 13 2018 • Articles

The Modern Slavery Act has been shown to be deficient in many important regards and continuing to claim it as ‘world-leading’ is now a more hollow claim than ever before.

Popular Culture Matters: An Introduction

Kyle Grayson and Nick Robinson • Jun 11 2018 • Articles

The first post in a series detailing the impact of popular culture on world politics from the perspective of participants at the ISA workshop ‘Popular Culture Matters’.

Borderwork and Borders in South Asia through Structuration

Md Azmeary Ferdoush • Jun 11 2018 • Articles

Everyday interactions between people and the state makes South Asian borders a critical site of study not only for its diversity but also for the insight it offers.

Forecasting the Future: Prospects of a Negotiated Settlement with North Korea

Dan G. Cox • Jun 7 2018 • Articles

Approaching the negotiations between the United States and North Korea through a systematic fashion, the harsh reality is that these negotiations are very likely to fail.

Closing the Second Cycle in BRICS: A Surprise or Business as Usual?

Victoria V. Panova • Jun 6 2018 • Articles

BRICS has by now turned into a brand. This brand imposes responsibility on its members to respond to global challenges and serves the interests of the global community.

To Avoid a Syrian Quagmire: Turkish-American Compromise and Cooperation

Michael Goodyear • Jun 1 2018 • Articles

Negotiation and compromise between both governments and the SDF are explored as the path forward for the United States, Turkey, and anti-Assad forces.

Brexit and the Fight against Terrorism in the United Kingdom

Olayinka Ajala • May 31 2018 • Articles

The exit of the UK from the EU will strengthen the resolve of the country to combat terrorism not only within its borders but within the European community as a whole.

When Will America Come Home? When Trump Visits London, Seoul or Berlin

Harvey M. Sapolsky • May 30 2018 • Articles

The forward deployment is a legacy of the Cold War when the US was faced with a challenging Superpower and the need to protect its allies.

Northern Fears: Preparing for and Watching Norden’s Doom

Robert Saunders • May 27 2018 • Articles

Netflix’s “The Rain” has been released at the beginning of a new era of insecurity for the notoriously peaceful nation of Sweden.

What Can a Japan-US-India-Australia Cooperation Do?

Satoru Nagao • May 27 2018 • Articles

Nowadays, further security cooperation of Japan-US-India-Australia is increasingly plausible in order to to ensure prosperous stability in the whole of Indo-Pacific.

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