
Humanity on the Move: Migration in the Age of Walls and Borders

Joanna Rozpedowski • May 25 2018 • Articles

The migratory landscape and political responses to movement of people offer ground for reflection on our liberal polities and our responsibility toward strangers.

One Party State: Is It Good or Bad for Governance?

Margaret Monyani • May 25 2018 • Articles

A single party system if committed to the social contract could be a better conduit for budding and upholding important values that are required for national building.

If There Was a Time to Support Reformists in Iran, It’s Now

Patricia Sohn • May 24 2018 • Articles

With Iran and Israel coming perilously close to the risk of war, now is the time to support reform in Iran.

N-of-1 Survey Finds Support for a Return to the Divine Right of Kings (A Satire)

Patricia Sohn • May 22 2018 • Articles

A satirical commentary on the feasibility of a return to the divine right of kings in light of a perceived decline of the rule of law.

Is Revolution Brewing in Iran?

Ramesh Sepehrrad • May 21 2018 • Articles

Women and young people have joined with many other oppressed sectors of Iranian society and created a clear path toward a real and popular revolution in Iran.

What Does Russia Mean When It Talks Greatness?

Anatoly Reshetnikov • May 20 2018 • Articles

Russia is not cherishing ideas about world domination, but it is also not satisfied with how things are today. It emphatically refuses to accept a second-class status.

Lake Chad: A Climate of Fragility

Any future interventions in and around Lake Chad will have to be mindful of its particular climate-fragility and these trends that are likely to shape its future.

Jan Smuts, Jawaharlal Nehru and the Legacies of Liberalism

Vineet Thakur • May 18 2018 • Articles

Placing Smuts and Nehru within the broader liberal paradigm, we come to a picture that is both global and local, contextual and textual, historical and contemporary.

Why Trump’s Meeting with North Korea Matters: The Asia-Middle East Connection

Patricia Sohn • May 18 2018 • Articles

Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong-un may be strategic for U.S. foreign politics in the face of strengthening relations between North Korea and Iran.

The UK: No Longer a Benevolent Patron

Peter Clegg • May 17 2018 • Articles

The UK’s decision to leave the EU, in particular, has initiated a set of centrifugal forces in the relationship between the UK and its Territories.

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