
Sounds of War: ‘Alia’

Susanna Hast • Mar 18 2018 • Articles

Dance is deeply political, impacting the sensual experience. It is a corporeal protest, a striving for freedom and a personal tool for feeling stronger.

The English School World Society Debate: A Forum Article

Edited by A.C.McKeil and Yannis Stivatchis • Mar 16 2018 • Articles

The political world beyond society of states plays a significant role in world politics and as such world society remains squarely on the agenda of the English School.

Sounds of War: ‘Pit’

Susanna Hast • Mar 15 2018 • Articles

The Chechen surgeon Khassan Baievs’ politics of compassion refuses to take sides when caring for those in need; it is resistance against the dehumanising practices of war.

Sounds of War: Condemned to Hope

Susanna Hast • Mar 15 2018 • Articles

Constantly on guard, Chechens have fought invasions and tried to preserve their community throughout their history – even before their encounters with Russia.

Norway-US Defence Relations in Historical Naval Perspective

Timothy Choi • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Caught between a resurgent Russia and a Trump presidency, how has Norway navigated its trans-Atlantic security relationship?

The Power of Images in Global Politics

Roland Bleiker • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Images surround everything we do. This omnipresence of images is political and has changed fundamentally how we live and interact in today’s world.

The Path to Authoritarianism: How do we get there?!

Patricia Sohn • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Authoritarian regimes are assessed through their use of judiciaries to give legitimacy to autocratic rule, reinforcing the importance of the separation of powers doctrine

Affective Communities and World Politics

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

Emotions are not life-less phenomena that wait to be summoned and acted upon. Emotions can be forms of political agency and power and thus be engines of conversion.

Why Study Emotions in International Relations?

Emma Hutchison • Mar 8 2018 • Articles

By appreciating the far-reaching significance of emotions in international relations we can approach and understand world politics in a whole new, more holistic light.

US and Russia: The Gray Zone Spiral Toward Open War

Dan G. Cox and Bruce Stanley • Mar 7 2018 • Articles

While many view Russian use of the Gray Zone as a strategic conundrum, such conflicts can logically lead to open warfare.

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