
Sounds of War: ‘Deaf’

Susanna Hast • Mar 4 2018 • Articles

We perceive and sense our body emoting, and others’ bodies emoting. Text, film and music all act upon the spectator’s body. Sharing stories of compassion is the politics of compassion.

‘Firepower’ and Environmental Security in the Anthropocene

Simon Dalby • Mar 1 2018 • Articles

A broader understanding of the interconnectedness of things in a dynamic biosphere where a combustion powered technosphere is rapidly expanding is essential.

Emotional Amoral Egoism and its Implications for Understanding Conflicts

Nayef Al-Rodhan • Feb 28 2018 • Articles

For all the complexity of the international system, the neurochemical underpinnings of human nature are significant determinants of action across circumstances.

Anglo-French Defence Relations are Crucial for European Defence after Brexit

Robert Clark • Feb 27 2018 • Articles

Following Brexit, The UK must strengthen its image abroad through the maintenance of international order and European defence through increased partnership with France.

Introducing Realism in International Relations Theory

Sandrina Antunes and Isabel Camisão • Feb 27 2018 • Articles

Realism claims to explain the reality of international politics by emphasising the constraints on politics that result from humankind’s nature and the absence of a central authority above the state.

Introducing Marxism in International Relations Theory

Maïa Pal • Feb 25 2018 • Articles

Karl Marx wrote that philosophy is often too concerned with interpreting the world, when the real point is to change it. Marxism answers that call by challenging dominant ideas such as capitalism and the state.

Expecting the Expected: Russian Presidential Elections 2018

Trivun Sharma • Feb 24 2018 • Articles

The outcome of the elections may not change Russia’s relations with the West; but it would narrow down the time frame for deciding the Russia’s future after Putin.

Why States-Rights States Can Take Responsibility for Their Own Catastrophes

Patricia Sohn • Feb 23 2018 • Articles

Lawlessness is not just a state of mind. It is institutional ineptitude, grandstanding, and otherwise efforts to keep the law from being properly enforced.

Introducing Constructivism in International Relations Theory

Sarina Theys • Feb 23 2018 • Articles

Constructivism shows that it is not only the distribution of material power, wealth and geographical conditions that can explain state behaviour but also ideas, identities and norms.

Introducing the English School in International Relations Theory

Yannis Stivachtis • Feb 23 2018 • Articles

The English school offers insights into the potential of stabilising international society by embedding ideas not just in the minds of political and economic elites but also in the minds of ordinary citizens.

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