
The ‘Isms’ Are Evil. All Hail the ‘Isms’! A Reflection on IR Theory

Alex Prichard • Feb 13 2018 • Articles

Nothing is gained by rejecting the isms unless we at first understand the complexity of what it is we are rejecting and then develop the critical reflection we need to move beyond them.

US Hegemony and Rising Powers in the Era of Trump

New relations of power may be subtler and hidden from the naked eye then we realize, or than most existing theories of international relations may account for.

North Korea: The Perils of Ignoring the Good Problem

Barry Stentiford • Feb 13 2018 • Articles

Without grappling with the potential “good problem” of the collapse of the DPRK, the United States could find itself winning a war but losing the peace.

The Rise of Anti-Intellectualism in light of the AKP’s Education Policy

Çağlar Ezikoğlu • Feb 10 2018 • Articles

One of the most important results of this strategy is to transform the educational policy of Turkey under AKP rule in the light of anti-intellectualism.

Realism and Peaceful Change

Anders Wivel • Feb 9 2018 • Articles

Realism may sometimes bring ‘peace’, but it is always conditioned by power and serving the interests of some actors whilst going against the interests of others.

The Reluctant Realist: Jimmy Carter and Iran

Robert W. Murray and Stephen McGlinchey • Feb 9 2018 • Articles

Carter’s approach toward Iran demonstrates that he became more concerned with perpetuating the strategy of containment than following through on his liberal tendencies.

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies: Insights from and for IR

Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn • Feb 9 2018 • Articles

Ongoing investigation is required, to further uncover the limits, shifts, and interre­lationships between contemporary forms of governance by, with, and of blockchains.

China’s Military Modernisation

Layla Dawood • Feb 8 2018 • Articles

There is no evidence that internal balancing will not change unipolarity. Future research should explore why internal balancing has been slow in the unipolar system.

India and Pakistan: Formalizing the 2003 Ceasefire Agreement

Saeed Ahmed Rid • Feb 8 2018 • Articles

If the 2003 ceasefire between India and Pakistan is formalised with clear rules and regulations it should reduce the chances of future ceasefire violations.

The Impact of White Supremacy on US Foreign Policy towards Africa

Christopher Keith Johnson • Feb 7 2018 • Articles

America’s failure to confront its racial history, specifically white supremacy, will prevent it from making the most appropriate decisions about aid or policy,

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