
Geopolitics of the Lebanese Crisis: Economic and Energy Perspectives

Vrushal T. Ghoble • Feb 7 2018 • Articles

Effective governance in Lebanon provided fewer opportunities for regional actors to intervene in the country keeping it aloof from the power struggle in the region.

The Veil as a Political Act

Elham Manea • Feb 7 2018 • Articles

When women try to take the veil off, they learn that free choice only applies to choosing to wear the headscarf. No free choice is the other way around.

Contract Slavery? On the Political Economy of Domestic Work in Lebanon

Martin Beck • Feb 6 2018 • Articles

The gender dimension of the political economy of foreign domestic work in Lebanon manifests itself in the first instance in an exploitative maternalistic system.

Why IR Realism Persists

M.J. Peterson • Feb 6 2018 • Articles

IR Realism is not sufficient for understanding and explaining international politics, but its concerns with power politics in a decentralised system remain necessary.

Realism: Human Rights Foe?

Koldo Casla • Feb 6 2018 • Articles

Realists grow stronger when criticised on ethical grounds, because such criticism gives realism the opportunity to proclaim its alleged value-free condition.

Realism, Small States and Neutrality

Archie W. Simpson • Feb 5 2018 • Articles

For realists, neutral states can play a marginal role in the balance of power, but with the end of the Cold War there has been a lack of such a balance.

Realism and Cyber Conflict: Security in the Digital Age

Anthony Craig and Brandon Valeriano • Feb 3 2018 • Articles

Cyber domain resembles an anarchical realist world with its lack of institutional governance where states fear one another and develop their capabilities in response.

Realism and Power Transition Theory: Different Branches of the Power Tree

Carsten Rauch • Feb 3 2018 • Articles

While realism and power transition theory are often merged together it is important to regard and embrace them as different branches of the power tree.

The Case for an ASEAN Erasmus Programme

Daniele Carminati • Jan 29 2018 • Articles

Further initiatives and programmes ought to be instilled to encourage ASEAN students to pursue their education within ASEAN states.

What Is Sovereignty? Lessons from the UK

As Britain embarks to find a new place in the world and as other powers vow to defend their sovereignty, the world seems even more confused and the debate remains open.

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